Moving from Automation 360 On-Premises to Cloud

If you are on Automation 360 On-Premises, move your data and bots to Cloud to get the benefits of a cloud-native architecture.


  • Obtain a Cloud license for every On-Premises Control Room instance that you want to migrate to Cloud. Work with the Automation Anywhere sales, Customer Success Manager (CSM), and partner teams to obtain the required licenses.
    注: You can move data from multiple On-Premises Control Room instance to one or more Cloud Control Room instances. There is no restriction that you can only move data from a single On-Premises Control Room instance to a single Cloud Control Room. You can migrate data as per your requirements.
  • Ensure that you have the correct number of licenses in your Cloud Control Room for executing automations from your Cloud.
  • Ensure that you back up your data before migration.

    See: Control Room と Git リポジトリとの統合.

Choose your method

Use one of the following procedures to migrate from your On-Premises Control Room instance to your Cloud Control Room instance:

Post-requisite tasks

After the migration is complete, perform the following steps:

  1. Open firewall rules to allow connectivity between the Cloud Control Room and the On-Premises Bot Runners.

    See: Bot Agent と Control Room の通信.

  2. Perform sanity testing of the migrated bots in the Cloud Control Room. Ensure that the bots are working as they were in your On-Premises Control Room.
  3. Deregister the Bot Runners from the On-Premises Control Room and register them to the Cloud Control Room.
  4. Decommission the On-Premises Control Room after the migration is complete and when the workload can be managed from your Cloud Control Room.
  5. Repeat all these tasks for all your On-Premises Control Room instances.
注: You can use these instructions to not only migrate from your On-Premises Control Room instances to your Cloud Control Room instances but also to move data between your Cloud Control Room instances.
注: If your current Control Room instance and account is On-Premises and is using file-licensing, convert your licenses to Cloud-licensing. See the answer to the question How do I convert customer licenses from file licensing to Cloud licensing? from the Cloud licensing FAQ page.