Create Grounded モデル接続 with Amazon Bedrock RAG capability

Create ナレッジ ベースに基づく モデル接続 using the native RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) capability from Amazon Bedrock to generate accurate and contextually relevant information referenced from Amazon Knowledge Base.

We are now offering you the option to create モデル接続 using the Amazon Bedrock-RAG capability. A search query on RAG retrieves relevant chunks of content from large-data-sets which are relevant and accurate to the provided context. After retrieving the relevant information, the model uses it to generate a response.

A few things to consider

  • To use the Amazon Bedrock-RAG capability, you would first create a Knowledge Base in Amazon Bedrock before creating the ナレッジ ベースに基づく モデル接続.

    See: Create Amazon Knowledge Base

  • To use additional models from Amazon Bedrock that are not available for selection when creating a モデル接続, you would have to procure the Model ID and the Model ARN from the supported models of Amazon Bedrock.

    See: Add Amazon Bedrock models from AWS サービス

Work flow for using Amazon Bedrock RAG capability for creating モデル接続


The Automation Admin requires these roles and permissions to create and manage モデル接続 for their business organization.
  • Role: AAE_Basic, Automation Admin custom role
  • Permission: Attended Bot Runner
  • Settings: AI Data Management must be enabled by the Automation Admin and the check box selected for Allow users to disable logs on AI Skills. Allow users with the Bot Creator license to disable data logging when using AI Skills to enable the Data logging toggle in the AI スキル screen.

See AI ツール のロールと権限 for the Automation Admin custom role permissions.

Other requirements:

  • As mentioned earlier, you would first create an Amazon Knowledge Base to create a ナレッジ ベースに基づく モデル接続 and use it successfully in an AI スキル.
  • If you want to store authentication details in a credential vault, have that information handy. See Credential Vault による安全な資格情報ストア.
  • To test a モデル接続, you must be connected to a Bot エージェント 22.60.10 and later. As part of the test, you would have to run the Bot on your desktop. Hence ensure the Bot エージェント is configured to your user. For this task, if you have to switch connection to a different Control Room, see: Control Room インスタンス間でのデバイス登録の切り替え.
  • You would need access to the レコーダー package and the AI スキル package to test the connection successfully. A test プロンプト would be executed to test the モデル接続.


  1. In your Control Room environment, navigate to AI > Model connections > Create model connection.
  2. In the Create model connection screen you would configure these Connection settings:
    Create Grounded モデル接続 with Amazon Bedrock RAG capability
    You can manually enter the model name in the Choose a model or create a custom one field. The name you enter will be used for creating the モデル接続.
    1. Model connection name: Provide a name for easy identification of the モデル接続.
    2. Description (optional): Add a meaningful short description defining the connection.
    3. Choose a vendor: Choose a foundational model vendor from the supported list of vendors. For creating a ナレッジ ベースに基づく モデル接続 with Amazon Bedrock, you would select Amazon Bedrock from the drop-down list.
    4. Choose a type: Choose ナレッジ ベースに基づく for using the RAG capability.
    5. Choose a model or create a custom one: Choose a model from the drop-down list of validated models from Amazon Bedrock.
      Additionally, we also support other models available from Amazon Bedrock, which are not available in the drop-down list. You can use either the Model ID or Model ARN to add to the list. See: Add Amazon Bedrock models from AWS サービス.
      For a complete list of supported models for each foundational model vendor, see .
    6. Click Next to proceed to the Authentication details section.
  3. In the Authentication details section, configure these settings:
    1. Region: Choose the region where your selected model is deployed for authenticating the モデル接続. You can also add a region that is not available in the drop-down list by referring to the list in Amazon Bedrock. Enter in this format to get the region added to the list. For example: us-east-1.
      For a list of supported deployment regions for Amazon Bedrock models, see Supported regions and models for Amazon Bedrock knowledge bases .
    2. Knowledge base ID: Provide the Knowledge Base ID you procured from Amazon Bedrock. .
    3. Access Key: This AWS access key serves as your unique identifier within the AWS ecosystem. It is a fundamental part of the authentication process, allowing AWS サービス to recognize and validate your access.
    4. Secret Access Key: This key is the confidential counterpart to your Access Key ID. This key is used to sign requests made to AWS, enhancing security by ensuring that only authorized individuals or systems can access your AWS resources.
    5. Session Token (optional): This is an optional field. In addition to the above information, you can include a Session token, which is a temporary, time-bound token used when working with temporary security credentials. It provides an added layer of security, particularly in scenarios where temporary access is required, such as when using temporary security credentials.
    6. After setting up the authentication details, confirm and click Next to proceed to the Test connection section to test the モデル接続.
    注: For details on setting up the Access Key, Secret Access Key, and Session Token for Amazon Bedrock, see: Amazon Bedrock: 認証アクション.
  4. Click Test connection to make sure all connection details have been defined correctly and check if the connection is working.
    This is a desktop operation using a Bot エージェント. Use Bot エージェント 22.60.10 and later for successful testing.
    • If the connection works as expected, the system will process the request and you will get a system generated success message.
    • If the connection does not work as expected, you will get a system-generated message stating the reason for the connection failure. For example, if you have not downloaded the supported foundational model package to your workspace, you would get an error message. You would have to download the package and then retest the モデル接続.
    • If the testing a モデル接続 is unsuccessful or if you leave the task incomplete, the モデル接続 will not get saved and you will have to restart the process of creating the モデル接続.
  5. Click Next to proceed to the Invite roles section to begin assigning custom roles to users.
    The Automation Admin would create custom roles and assign the モデル接続 to the role, which can then be assigned to users. Only users assigned to this custom role can use this モデル接続.
  6. Assign access to the Pro Developer via custom role (using RBAC), for using this モデル接続 to create an AI スキル.
  7. Click Create model connection to complete creating the モデル接続.
    After successfully creating the モデル接続, the Pro Developer would use it to create an AI スキル

    See: AI スキル を ナレッジ ベースに基づく モデル接続で作成



After creating and testing the モデル接続, you would assign it to the Pro Developers, who would use this connection to create AI スキル.

See AI スキル を ナレッジ ベースに基づく モデル接続で作成.

注: When you create or test an AI スキル in the AI Skill screen, the success or failure details along with the model responses can be viewed in these navigation screens:
  • Administration > AI governance > AI Prompt log
  • Administration > AI governance > Event log
  • Administration > Audit log

See AI ガバナンス.

As the next step in your sequence of tasks, go to AI スキル を ナレッジ ベースに基づく モデル接続で作成 and create an AI スキル and connect to a ナレッジ ベースに基づく モデル接続 to eventually use it in an automation.