Datetime package updates

Review the updates in released versions of the Datetime package such as new and enhanced features as well as fixes and limitations. The page also lists the release dates of each version, and the compatible Control Room and Bot Agent versions.

Versions summary

The following table lists the versions of Datetime package released either with an Automation 360 release or as a package-only release (in descending order of release dates). Click the version link for information about updates in that package version.

Version Release date Release type Bot Agent version Control Room build
Datetime package updates 15 July 2024 Package-only; post Automation 360 v.33 release 20.11 or later 8750 or later
Datetime package updates 6 December 2023 With Automation 360 v.31 (Sandbox) release 20.11 or later 8750 or later
Datetime package updates 6 June 2023 With Automation 360 v.29 (Sandbox) release 20.11 or later 8750 or later
  • To download an individual package (updated in an Automation 360 release where you want only the package), use this URL:<package-file-name>-<version.number>.jar

  • For Datetime package, the naming convention is: bot-command-datetime-<version.number>.jar

    For example, bot-command-datetime-2.14.0.jar

For detailed steps on downloading a package and manually adding it to the Control Room, see Control Room に packages を追加.


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 20.11 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 8750 or later
What's new
Enhanced developer productivity with newly introduced actions
The following new actions are added to the Datetime package:
  • Difference between dates
  • Is leap year
  • Get
These actions enhance developer productivity and enables you to build efficient automations.

Is leap year action in Datetime | Get action in Datetime


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 20.11 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 8750 or later
What's changed
パッケージ レベルでの直感的なアイコン

パッケージ レベルに直感的なアイコンを追加しました。[アクション] ペインでは、異なるパッケージ間を移動すると、これらのアイコンがパッケージ レベルで表示され、パッケージに関するコンテキスト情報が提供されます。


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 20.11 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 8750 or later
What's changed

bot 開発者向けヘルプ センター

ヘルプ センター: bot 開発者がオートメーションを構築する際、actionspackagesのコンテキスト情報を取得するためのアプリ内ヘルプを追加しました。

製品内ユーザー アシスタンス