Create Prompt Templates

Enhance your automations with the power of generative AI by using predefined Prompt Templates to accelerate creating automations and make them available for reuse to Citizen Developers, and Pro Developers across solutions.

A Pro Developer creates Prompt Templates so the Bot Creators can use these in their automations and save time and effort.

Prompt Templates are created by connecting to Model connections and fine-tuning prompts by testing them with different foundational models to find the best response that addresses the business ask. These Prompt Templates are made available to developers for use and reuse to help accelerate creating automations across solutions. The following models are supported:
  • Amazon Bedrock
  • Google Vertex AI
  • Azure OpenAI
  • OpenAI

This topic walks you through the steps of creating a Prompt Template.


A Pro Developer requires these roles and permissions to create and test a Prompt Template.
  • Role: AAE_Basic, Pro Developer Custom role
  • Permission: Bot Creator

See Roles and permissions for AI Tools

Other requirements:

Besides the roles and permissions the Pro Developer must be connected to a Bot Agent (v22.60.10 and above). As part of testing the Model connection, you would have to run the bot on your desktop. Hence ensure the Bot Agent is configured to your user. If you have to switch connection to a different Control Room, see: Control Room インスタンス間でのデバイス登録の切り替え.


  1. Log in to the Control Room and navigate to Automation > Create new or ‘+’ icon and choose Prompt Template.
  2. Provide a name and description and click Create & edit to display a template outline. Let us create an example with the name Address Parser.
  3. In the Prompt Template screen, click Choose model connection to choose from the available list of Model connections you have access to.
    These Model connections are created by the Automation Admin and assigned to your user with a custom role.
  4. After selecting a Model connection, the Prompt Template is set up with the default parameter settings that is optimal for the chosen model. You can change the settings as required.
    Prompt Template parameters
    The parameter values for creating a Prompt is populated based on the selected foundational model. For details of parameter settings for the supported foundational models, see サポートされている基礎モデルのパラメーター設定について.
    注: You can set different parameter values to test and determine the values that are best suited for your use case. Changing the parameter values will influence the model response.
  5. Now you can start creating a Prompt and add prompt inputs, as required. Let us go over an example to walk you through the steps.


The Pro Developer is creating a Prompt Template that will be used to parse and extract the address from different types of documents during document processing for data extraction.
The Pro Developer will create a Prompt Template with the name: Address Parser. This Prompt Template will focus on extracting the address information from documents. The template will be made available to Citizen Developers who would reuse this as an action in their automation.

Create Prompt Template

  1. You have already selected a Model connection from your available list (see step 3 above) and are now going to begin composing your Prompt.
  2. In the Prompt field enter:
    Parse the $inputAddress$ & return formatted as:
    • street: street
    • city: city
    • state: state
    • zip code: zip code
  3. Click out of the Prompt entry field.
  4. The Prompt Input section gets auto populated with placeholder prompt inputs for which you would define values. In this case, the $inputAddress$ Prompt Input field gets created by the system.
    The Prompt is meant to return a response with the street, city, state, and zip code of the address formatted in separate lines.
    注: You can also add a Prompt Input manually by clicking Add prompt input.
  5. Next enter the following address in the Prompt Input Address field: '1502 royal oak dr, tx, 75243'.
  6. Click Get response to get a response from the model based on your Prompt.

    Test and try different prompts and Prompt Input values to get the desired response from models and finalize on the one you are most satisfied with.

    Prompt data details could contain PHI, PII or other sensitive data you choose to enter in the Prompt. We recommend being mindful of this when testing and executing a Prompt.

  7. When you are satisfied with the response, Save the Prompt Template.
Click on the ellipsis next to a Prompt Template to view and access actions available to the Pro Developer:
Actions Function
Move Prompt Template Click on this action to select the location where you want to move the Prompt Template to, as per your folder permissions.
Check in Prompt Template Lets you check in a Prompt Template to a different folder. The Status of the Prompt Template updates and displays in the folder you checked in the Prompt Template. Example: if you checked in the Prompt Template to the Public folder, then the Status label displays Public.
View Prompt Template Opens the Prompt Template displaying details.
Edit Prompt Template Lets you edit the Prompt Template.
注: The Pro Developer has this permission.
Copy Prompt Template Lets you copy an existing Prompt Template to create a new one with the same details. You have to provide a different name though, as there cannot be duplicates of a Prompt Template.
注: The Pro Developer has this permission.
View references Lets you view references to other bots that are directly dependent on the current one where this Prompt Template has been used.
Delete Prompt Template Lets you delete a Prompt Template.
注: The Pro Developer has this permission.


Your next step would be to check-in the Prompt Template to make it available to Citizen Developers from the Generative AI Prompt Template package.

Why would you check-in a Prompt Template?

After creating a Prompt Template, check it into the Public folder. This will let the Pro Developer, and Citizen Developer use it from the Generative AI Prompt Template package in the production environment.

A Task Bot, with one or multiple embedded Prompt Templates can be added to a larger automation that would run a complete workflow scenario.

注: When you create or test a Prompt Template in the Prompt Template screen, the success or failure details along with the model responses can be viewed in Administration > Audit log and Administration > AI governance navigation. See AI governance

As the next step in your sequence of tasks, go to Task Bot でのPrompt Templatesの使用.