Insert Work Items

Add Work Items from a CSV file to the queue after you define the structure.


  • Ensure that you are logged in to the Control Room as an administrator.
  • The maximum number of characters you can insert in a work item value is 1000.
    注: The limit on the 1000 characters applies to the columns that you want to display in the Control Room. If there is a column where the work item values have a large data-set (for example, more than 5000 characters), ensure that these are not displayed in the Control Room. However, the work items will be added and you will be able to see them through view or edit work items.

    作業項目を表示 | 作業項目を編集

  • Add Work Items from a CSV file to the queue.
    注: Adding work items from an Excel (xls or xlsx) file is not supported. We recommend that you convert the xls or xlsx file to CSV and then add work items from the CSV file.
  • You can also add Work Items later by editing the queue, see キューを編集.
  • If the Work Item data type is defined as Date, the date format must be ISO_INSTANT. For more information on date formats, see 日時フォーマット.


  1. [参照] をクリックします。
  2. Select the CSV file.
  3. オプション: Select the Disallow duplicates check box.
    • Only unique work items from the CSV file are added. If the CSV file contains any duplicate work items, then the entire CSV file is ignored. Two work items are considered to be duplicate of each other if all the entries of the two work items are an exact match. If there is a single unique value within the work item (row), the work items are considered unique even if some of their values are duplicate. The work item entries are case sensitive, that is John Smith and john smith are considered two unique entries.
      Consider the below table which contains the following work items.
      Work item First Name Last Name Department Employee status
      1 John Smith Finance Active
      2 Will Smith Finance Active
      3 Betty Williams Accounts Inactive
      4 john smith Finance Active
      5 Jane Wilson Accounts Active
      6 Thomas Moore Finance Active

      All the work item entries in the above table are considered unique and are added to the queue as no two work items have entries that are an exact duplicate of each other.

    • This option is available only when you create a new queue.

    work item disallow duplicates

  4. [キューを作成] をクリックします。
