Autopilot workflow for BPMN

Autopilot streamlines development by allowing developers to upload a business process model and notation (BPMN) file to the Control Room. With a single click, this BPMN file can be instantly transformed into a process structure and corresponding tasks.

For more information on BPMN 2.0 standard, see Autopilot workflow for BPMN.

BPMN transformation into Automation Anywhere process files

The primary goal of transforming BPMN files is to create Automation Anywhere process that contains enough information that a developer needs to create the automation.

The following diagram shows the major elements and how they will be transformed:
BPMN transformer flow
  • BPMN tasks, processes, and sub-processes will be transformed to Automation Anywhere process.
  • BPMN flows will be transformed to Automation Anywhere process connectors.
  • BPMN gateways (logic) will be transformed to Automation Anywhere decision or flow logic connectors.
  • Automation Anywhere tasks produced by the transformer will contain the following:
    Component Description
    Description comment Provides a description of the task, process, and sub-process based on the context from the BPMN file. It includes objects, actions related to the business application, and the associated data, detailing the work performed on those objects in the business process. This description focuses on the business process itself, rather than the automation steps required to implement it.

    Example: This task authenticates with the Salesforce application.

    Basic best practices logical construct Provides the expected Automation Anywhere automation elements that are required for all automations regardless of specific functions the automation performs.
    Example: A sequence of Automation Anywhere package and actions representing a basic automation file consisting of the following:
    Comment (description comment)
    Comment (recommendation comment)
    Step (main automation logic)
    Step (basic error handling logic)

BPMN 2.0 standard

BPMN 2.0 standard is an open standard for modeling business processes. It provides a visual representation of the steps involved in a business process, making it easier for all users in the organization to understand and analyze the workflows involved in a process easily.

The key elements of BPMN include:
Flow objects
  • Events: Represents something that occurs. For example, start, intermediate, and end events.
  • Activities: Tasks, actions, or sub-processes performed within the process.
  • Gateways: Decision points that control the flow of the process.
Connecting objects
  • Sequence Flows: Shows the order of activities that are performed within the process.
  • Message Flows: Shows the flow of messages between pools.
  • Associations: Link artifacts such as data objects or text annotations to elements of a process such as tasks or events.
  • Pools: Graphically show participants in a process, such as an organization or a department in an organization.
  • Lanes: Lanes are sub-divisions within pools that represent specific roles or departments within an organization.
Other elements
  • Data object: Shows data required (input) or produced by tasks (output).
  • Group: Groups related activities in a process diagram without affecting the process flow. It is represented as a dashed-line rectangle that encompasses multiple tasks, events, or gateways to indicate a logical grouping.
  • Text annotation: Provides additional information about the process.
BPMN source applications are tools that allow you to create, edit, and manage BPMN diagrams. Some popular BPMN source applications include:
  • Camunda
  • jBPM
  • Modelio
  • Lucidchart
  • Open BPMN