Zeichenfolge Paket updates

Review the updates in released versions of the Zeichenfolge Paket such as new and enhanced features as well as fixes and limitations. The page also lists the release dates of each version, and the compatible Control Room and Bot-Agent versions.

Versions summary

The following table lists the versions of Zeichenfolge Paket released either with an Automation 360 release or as a package-only release (in descending order of release dates). Click the version link for information about updates in that Paket version.

Version Release date Release type Bot-Agent version Control Room build
17. Juni 2024 With Automation 360 v.33 (Sandbox) release 20.18 or later 9130 or later
6. Dezember 2023 With Automation 360 v.31 (Sandbox) release 20.18 or later 9130 or later
6. September 2023 With Automation 360 v.30 (Sandbox) release 20.18 or later 9130 or later
6. Juni 2023 With Automation 360 v.29 (Sandbox) release 20.18 or later 9130 or later
  • To download an individual Paket (updated in an Automation 360 release where you want only the Paket), use this URL:


  • For Zeichenfolge Paket, the naming convention is: bot-command-string-<version.number>.jar

    For example, bot-command-string-5.9.0.jar

For detailed steps on downloading a Paket and manually adding it to the Control Room, see Pakete zum Control Room hinzufügen.


  • Compatible Bot-Agent version: 20.18 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 9130 or later
When you use the String > Extract text Aktion, and select an option to extract a specific text, the description in the Bot line now matches the option selected.


  • Compatible Bot-Agent version: 20.18 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 9130 or later
What's changed

Interne Aktualisierung in Paketen

Kleinere Aktualisierung zur Unterstützung von API-Aufgaben.


  • Compatible Bot-Agent version: 20.18 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 9130 or later

The Before and After options in the String > Extract text Aktion in the interface are now correctly translated in Japanese language.

Service Cloud Case ID: 01959775, 01995941


  • Compatible Bot-Agent version: 20.18 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 9130 or later
What's new
Extract maximum number of characters from the source string

A new Up to field has been added to the String > Extract text Aktion that enables you to enter the maximum number of characters to extract from the source string.

Verwenden der Aktion „Text extrahieren“ des Zeichenfolge-Pakets

New option in the Substring action

When you use the String > Substring Aktion to extract a part of content from a string, you can select the Return blank if the range is not found check box. This enables the Bot to return a blank value when the value in the Start from index field is greater than the length of the source string.

Aktion „Unterzeichenfolge“


When you use the String > Extract text Aktion and select either Before, Before and/or after, or After options to extract the text, the event data now correctly shows the options that you select.

Previously, when you used one of the specified options to extract the text, the event data of the Bot showed only the Before option irrespective of the option that you had selected.

The Bot no longer generates an incorrect output when you use the String > Replace Aktion to find and replace a string which contains a regular expression.

Service Cloud Case ID: 01967997, 01969353, 01969353