We recommend that you update to the most recent version of Bot Agent in order to use the latest features available in Automation 360 and resolve any possible issues that you might encounter during bot runs.

Review the following instructions to uninstall and reinstall Bot Agent:
Note: Uninstalling Bot Agent might remove the following registry key:


If this registry key is deleted, it might cause connection issues such as creating session for deployment in Amazon Web Services (AWS). In order to avoid such issues, ensure that:
  1. You backup this registry key before uninstalling Bot Agent.
  2. After installing Bot Agent, restore this registry key.


  1. On your Windows device, go to Control Panel > Programs and Features.
    The navigation to your programs might be different based on the Windows version installed on your device.
  2. Click Automation Anywhere Bot Agent > Uninstall.
    Follow the instructions in the Bot Agent uninstallation wizard.
    Bot Agent is uninstalled from your device along with all the associated registry files and folders.
  3. Log in to Control Room.
  4. Select one of the following options to install the Bot Agent and add a local device:
    • Go to the Devices page, and click the Connect local device icon located at the top-right of the Devices list.
    • From the menu on the left, click the Device icon to connect to a local device.
  5. Click Connect to my computer.
    The Bot Agent setup file is downloaded to your local device.
  6. Run the setup file and perform the installation steps.
    For more information, see Install Bot Agent and register device.
    The latest version of Bot Agent associated with the Automation 360 version that you are using is installed on your device.