Review the features and capabilities (from Automation Anywhere or third party) that are nearing deprecation to understand how they affect your automation and what action is required.

Definition: Deprecation refers to features or capabilities available in the current (latest) release that are planned to be removed or unsupported in a future release.

You can use the specified alternatives or updated versions when they are made available.

Upcoming third-party deprecations

The following table lists third-party features that will be deprecated by the date mentioned:

Feature or capability Deprecation date Customer impact and recommendation Resources
Microsoft Windows 10 Operating system October, 2025 Microsoft will be deprecating the support for Windows 10 operating system. Starting from Automation 360 v.37 release, support for installing or updating Bot Agent on this operating system will not be available.

Microsoft recommends that you move to Windows 11 operating system so that you continue to receive feature and security updates for Microsoft Windows and Office applications, avoid performance or reliability issues and have an environmental consistency.

End of support for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 7
Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 8 (or Windows 8.1) operating systems June, 2025 Microsoft has deprecated the support for Windows 7 and Windows 8 (or Windows 8.1) operating systems. Starting from Automation 360 v.37 release, support for installing or updating Bot Agent on these operating systems will not be available.

In order to continue receiving feature and security updates for Windows and Office applications, and avoid performance or reliability issues, Microsoft recommends that you move to a supported Windows operating system and have an environmental consistency.

End of support for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 7
Microsoft Azure ACS deprecation April 2, 2026 Microsoft is retiring Azure ACS and recommends migrating to their modern authentication platform, Microsoft Entra (formerly Azure AD).

Recommended:The Automation 360 SharePoint package is fully compatible with Entra. Simply set up your OAuth clients and use them within the SharePoint package to ensure a smooth transition and avoid any disruption to your SharePoint automations.

Azure ACS Deprecation

Upcoming Automation Anywhere deprecations

The following table lists Automation Anywhere features that will be deprecated by the date mentioned:

Upcoming Automation Anywhere API deprecations and EoLs

The following table lists Automation Anywhere Control Room APIs that will be deprecated and discontinued by the dates mentioned. For more information on the API deprecation policy, see API deprecation policy.

Feature or capability Deprecation date EoL date Customer impact and recommendation Resources
v1 Bot Scheduler APIs With v.34 release (planned for September 2024) With v.38 release (planned for September 2025) The v1 Bot Scheduler APIs (/v1/schedule/automations) will be deprecated.

Recommended: Use the v2 Bot Scheduler APIs /v2/schedule/automations that will be available with the v.34 release.

Automations API
v3 Work Load Management (WLM) APIs With v.34 release (planned for September 2024) With v.38 release (planned for September 2025) The following v3 Work Load Management (WLM) APIs are getting deprecated:
  1. POST/v3/wlm/workitemmodel
  2. GET /v3/wlm/workitemmodels/{id}
  3. GET /v3/wlm/queues/{id}
  4. POST /v3/wlm/queues/{id}/consumers
  5. POST /v3/wlm/queues/{id}/participants
  6. PUT /v3/wlm/queues/{id}/members/{userId}
  7. POST /v3/wlm/queues/{id}/file
  8. PUT /v3/wlm/queues/{id}/workitems/{workItemId}
Recommended: Use the v4 WLM APIs that will be available with the v.34 release:
  1. POST/v4/wlm/workitemmodel
  2. GET /v4/wlm/workitemmodels/{id}
  3. GET /v4/wlm/queues/{id}
  4. POST /v4/wlm/queues/{id}/consumers
  5. POST /v4/wlm/queues/{id}/participants
  6. PUT /v4/wlm/queues/{id}/members/{userId}
  7. POST /v4/wlm/queues/{id}/file
  8. PUT /v4/wlm/queues/{id}/workitems/{workItemId}
Workload Management API

Completed deprecations: For a list of features already deprecated, see Completed feature deprecations.