Delete a bot

If you are a Control Room administrator or user with Delete from Public permission, you can delete bots from the public workspace. If you are a Bot Creator, you can delete bots from your private workspace.


To delete a bot, ensure the following:

  • Public workspace: You must have the Control Room administrator role or the Delete from Public permission at the folder level.
  • Dependent folders and files: You must have the Delete from Public permission on these folders and files.
  • Private workspace: You must have a Bot Creator license.

Keep the following considerations in mind before deleting a bot.

  • You cannot restore a deleted bot either from public or private workspace, so ensure that you no longer require a bot before deleting it.
    Note: After you delete a bot, if you immediately create a bot with the same name as the deleted bot and create it in the same folder, an error is displayed in some cases. To avoid this error, after you delete a bot, wait for at least 5 seconds for the deletion to be completed. You can create another bot with the same name as the deleted bot and in the same folder.
  • You cannot delete a bot if it is referenced by other bots. You must first remove the references before deleting the bot.


  • Delete bots from a private workspace:
    In a private workspace, you can delete only bots that are in the New or Cloned status. You cannot delete a bot in the Checked out or Checked out and edited status.
    1. Log in to the Control Room as a Bot Creator.
    2. On the left pane, click Automation.
      A list is displayed with the available files and folders containing the bots.
    3. From the Automation page, choose one of the following methods to delete a bot:
      Option Action
      Specific bot
      1. Select the bot.
      2. Hover over the actions menu (vertical ellipsis) located to the right of the bot name and click Delete Task Bot.
      3. Click Yes, delete.
      Multiple bots
      1. Select the check boxes corresponding to the bots, and click Delete checked items.
      2. Click Yes, delete.
  • Delete bots from a public workspace:
    In the public workspace, you can delete only bots that are in the Public status. You cannot delete bots that are in the Checked out status.
    Note: If you delete the clones of a bot first and then delete the bot from the public workspace, all the bot files are deleted from the file system repository. However, if you delete the bot from the public workspace and then delete the clones of the bot, the files will remain in the file system repository.
    1. Log in to the Control Room as an administrator, a Bot Creator, or an attended or unattended Bot Runner user with Delete from Public permission.
    2. On the left pane, click Automation.
      A list is displayed, with the available files and folders containing the bots.
    3. From the Automation page, choose one of following methods to delete a bot:
      Option Action
      Specific bot
      1. Select the bot.
      2. Hover over the actions menu (vertical ellipsis) located to the right of the bot name and click Delete Task Bot.
      3. Click Yes, delete.
      Multiple bots
      1. Select the check boxes corresponding to the bots, and click Delete checked items.
      2. Click Yes, delete.