Update Automation 360 on Microsoft Windows Server using scripts

You can update Automation 360 using a customized script with parameters to maintain existing user configurations.


To perform the task, you must have a Control Room administrator account with the required rights and permissions.

Sample config.properties file: For your reference, you can find a sample config.properties file at the end of the page.
Note: For instructions on performing silent install and configuration of Automation 360 separately, see Silent installation and configuration of Automation 360 using scripts (A-People login required).
Note: The various parameters that are used while installing Control Room on Microsoft Windows Server are applicable for updating Automation 360 on Microsoft Windows Server. For more information, see Installing Control Room on Microsoft Windows Server using scripts.

Create and run a PowerShell script to update Automation 360.


  1. Create a PowerShell script with the required parameters:
    The following is a sample PowerShell script for upgrading Automation 360:
    # Script Begins
    # It fetches Data from config.properties file present under the same directory level
    $PropertyFilePath = 'C:\script\config.properties'
    $rawProperties = cat $PropertyFilePath
    $propertiesToConvert = ($rawProperties -replace '\\' ,'\\') -join
    [Environment]:: NewLine;
    $properties=ConvertFrom-StringData $propertiesToConvert
    # Setting up the logger and InstallerRoot Directory
    # Logging Begins
    Start-Transcript -Path $logFilePath -Append -IncludeInvocationHeader
    $binary = Get-ChildItem $baseInstallerPath | Where-Object { $_.FullName -imatch $installer_name_regex }
    $a = $binary.FullName
    $final_commandline = " /update /s /v/qn /v""/L*v CR_Onprem_Installationlog_Scenario1.txt"""
    # Recording the Start Time
    Get-Date -Format g
    # Invoking the Installer here
    $processdetail = (Start-Process -FilePath $a -ArgumentList $final_commandline -Wait -Passthru).ExitCode
    # Recording the End  Time
    Get-Date -Format g
  2. Optional: Customize the script to include parameters according to your requirements.
  3. Save the script to the installation server.
  4. Log in to the installation server as administrator.
  5. Start PowerShell in administrator mode.
  6. Run the following:
    Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force
    Note: The silent installation logs are stored in the folder from which the installation script is run. For example, if you run the script from C:\Silent Install, the logs are stored in the C:\Silent Install folder.
  7. Validate the following:
Sample config.properties file
# Properties utilized across all Scenarios

# Default/Express Mode Params

Note: Review the following properties from the sample config.properties file:
  • baseLoggingDirectory - Directory for all the configuration logs.
  • baseInstallerDirectory - Is the installation directory. For example, C:\\Users\\prod\\Downloads\\Automation360\\Automation360.exe.
  • installerName - Name of the installer.