The Open action in the Python Script package opens the session.


Note: When you execute the Python script using the Import existing file option and if the input file name is different from the system file name, for example, system file name is and the filename you provided in the bot is, the bot execution fails.

The Import existing file field is case-sensitive. If you are uploading a script from a file on your desktop, ensure you use the same naming convention for the filepath.

  • In the Python session field, specify a session name. Use this same session name for other Python Script actions.
  • In the Python field, choose one of the following options:
    • In the Import existing file option, select an existing Python Script file.
      Note: If you are uploading a script from a file on your desktop, the file and any dependencies must be in a standalone folder. When you select a file for upload, all files and folders at the same folder level are uploaded.
    • In the Manual input option, enter the Python Script.
  • In the Python runtime version field, select 2 or 3 to specify the runtime version.
    Note: Select the runtime version based on the version of Python installed on the device.