Previous Package SDK Release Notes
- Updated: 2024/05/09
Review the new, changed, fixed, and deprecated features, and security fixes, known issues, and limitations for the previous Automation 360 Package SDK.
Automation 360 v.28
Feature | Description |
Added security fix. | Added a security fix to the vulnerabilities reported in the previous release. |
SDK download link:
Docs download link:
Automation 360 v.27
Feature | Description |
Added documentation_url and tutorial_url | Added documentation_url and tutorial_url
attributes in @CommandPkg .
Automation 360 v.25
Feature | Description |
Added default session_value | Added default_session_value attribute in
@CommandPkg to set up the default value for
global session. |
Automation 360 v.23
Feature | Description |
Log4j version | Log4j version update to 2.17.1. |
Automation 360 v.22
Feature | Description |
Rebranded the package name | The package name is rebranded from A2019 to A360. |
Added return settings | Added return settings for @CommandPkg to
decide the setting or configurations related to the return type of the
command. |
Added a new annotation | Added a new annotation for SessionObject to indicate that the session object is passed to the command. |
Added a new annotation | Added a new annotation for SessionAllowNonExistent to indicate that a non-existing session can be passed to the command. |
Added a new attribute type | Added a new attribute type BAPIOBJECT that works
with the control type named BAPIWORKFLOW with the following three tables.
Added multiple return settings | Added multiple return settings in
@CommandPkg to return multiple values from the
command. |
Runtime library updates | Bundled the latest bot runtime libraries. |
Automation 360 v.21
Feature | Description |
Added a new annotation | Added the new annotation for the Control Room and the Bot Agent. |
Added a new annotation | Added the new annotation for the credential password
(@CredentialAllowPassword ). |
Added a new example | Added the new example at: botcommand/samples/commands/basic/types, called file. |
Added a new annotation | Added the new annotation to support the Trigger3 interface. |
Updated trigger examples | Updated trigger examples to support the Trigger3 interface. |
Runtime library updates | Bundled latest bot runtime libraries. |
Enhancements A2019.20
Feature | Description |
Runtime library updates | Bundled latest bot runtime libraries. |
Enterprise A2019.19
Feature | Description |
Runtime library updates | Bundled latest bot runtime libraries. |
Added annotation rule | Added the MultipleRecordPicker annotation rule. |
Added annotations | Added annotations for desktop operation stages. |
Enterprise A2019.18
Feature | Description |
Runtime library updates | Bundled latest bot runtime libraries. |
Added shared session | Added support for shared sessions. |
Enhanced property creation | Now properties can accept one parameter. |
Added rule for WindowResize and WindowBrowser | Added a new rule for WindowResize and WindowBrowser. |
Non-essential dependencies in the build.gradle are commented out | Non-essential dependencies in the build.gradle are now commented out. Enable it to compile the Package SDK samples. |
Enterprise A2019.17
Feature | Description |
Runtime library updates | Bundled latest bot runtime libraries. |
Added author name in custom packages | Added support to add the author name in the vendor column of custom packages. |
Added File2 attribute | Added the new attribute type File2. |
Added File Type rule | Added the new rule File Type. |
Enterprise A2019.16
Feature | Description |
Runtime library updates | Bundled latest bot runtime libraries. |
Added NoLogging | Added NoLogging support. |
Enterprise A2019.15
Feature | Description |
Runtime library updates | Bundled latest bot runtime libraries. |
Enterprise A2019.14
Feature | Description |
Desktop operations | Added desktop operations support. |
Samples for actions in the download file | Added additional samples for actions in the Package SDK download file. |
Runtime library updates | Bundled latest bot run-time libraries. |
Enterprise A2019.13
Feature | Description |
Time validation for locales | Added compile time validation for locales JSON file. |
Entry list | Added support for ENTRYLIST |
Runtime library updates | Bundled latest bot runtime libraries. |
Enhancements A2019.12.1
Feature | Description |
Trigger samples | Added trigger samples in the Package SDK download file. Download the latest Package SDK to access the sample files. |
Enterprise A2019.12
Feature | Description |
Runtime libraries | Added the latest runtime libraries. |
Custom trigger | Creating custom triggers is supported in this release. |
Sample | We added more code samples. | code example added to package documentation. (Service Cloud case ID: 00469066) | Create a simple action with multiple choices. The UI differs based on the options selected. |
Enhancements A2019.11
Feature | Description |
Runtime libraries | This package contains the latest runtime libraries. |
Enterprise A2019.10
Feature | Description |
Updated annotation support | Added new attributes annotation support. |
Improved bundling of SDK | Bundled java doc inside package SDK zip. You only need to download one zip file now. |
Runtime libraries | Bundled latest bot runtime libraries. |
More examples | Added new examples inside zip. |
Datatypes | Added new datatypes. |
Note: All the components for the Package SDK are included in a single zip file starting
with the A2019.10 release.
Enterprise A2019.09
Feature | Description |
Bot runtime libraries | Bundled latest bot runtime libraries for A2019.09 Package SDK. |
- SDK Demo Package:
- Documentation:
Enterprise A2019.08
Feature | Description |
Bot runtime libraries | Bundled latest bot runtime libraries for A2019.08 Package SDK. |
Properties support | Extended support for properties. |
Comments expanded and improved | Added more comments to sample commands to help use SDK. |
Comment field formatting | Added text color and background color to comment fields. |
- SDK Demo Package:
- Documentation:
Feature | Description |
Bot runtime libraries | The A2019.07 bot runtime libraries are bundled in the SDK package. |
CREDENTIAL attribute | We provide support for credential attributes that require input from action screens. |
Localized error messages and actions UI text | Enables developing packages with i18n error messages and localized (l10n) actions UI with localized text. |
Java Development Kit 11 | The A2019.07 Package Development Kit supports JDK 11. |
- SDK Demo Package:
- Documentation: