List of the available creation and function annotations.

Annotation: BotCommand

Makes the type eligible to be treated as an action. You can define three types of actions commandType property.

  • Command\Action
  • Condition
  • Iterator
  • @BotCommand(commandType = BotCommand.CommandType.Iterator)
  • @BotCommand(commandType = Condition)
  • @BotCommand(commandType = Varialbe)
  • @BotCommand(commandType = Trigger)

Annotation: CommandPkg

Makes the type eligible for creation of action package.json . This annotation must be used with BotCommand to take effect. Pkg participates in the activity only when this annotation is present.

@CommandPkg(label = "Create", name = "createFile", 
description = "Creates a file", node_label = "{{filePath}}", 
icon = "file.svg")

Annotation: ConditionTest

Participates in the Condition execution. This annotation can only be used when the BotCommand has commandType set as Condition . Only one method needs to be annotated when BotCommand annotation is present on the type. Failure to do so will result in the compilation error.

Annotation: Execute

Participates in the execution of BotCommand . Exactly one method needs to be annotated when BotCommand annotation is present on the type. Failure to do so will result in the compilation error.

@Execute public void create( @Idx(index = "1", type = FILE) @LocalFile @Pkg(label = 
"File", description = "e.g. C:\\MyDoc\\MyFile.doc") @NotEmpty String filePath, 
@Idx(index = "2", type = CHECKBOX) @Pkg(label = "Overwrite an existing file") 
@NotEmpty Boolean isOverwrite) { createFile(filePath, isOverwrite); }

Annotation: GlobalSessionContext

Can only be applied to member variables and fetches the GlobalSessionContext through a setter.

    private GlobalSessionContext globalSessionContext;

    public void setSessionMap(Map < String, Object > sessionMap) {
     this.sessionMap = sessionMap;
    public void setGlobalSessionContext( globalSessionContext) {
     this.globalSessionContext = globalSessionContext;

Annotation: HasNext

Participates in the execution of Iterator . This annotation can only be used when the BotCommand has commandType set as Iterator . Requires the Next annotation to be present. One method needs to be annotated when BotCommand annotation is present on the type. Failure to do so will result in the compilation error.

Annotation: Index

Makes the annotated element part of hierarchy utilized for the code and resource generation. Without this annotation no BotCommand related element annotations would be processed.

Annotation: Idx.Option

An option represents the elements that would play in the hierarchy, but lend the values to the parents.

    @Idx(index = "1", type = RADIO, options = {
        @Idx.Option(index = "1.1", pkg = @Pkg(node_label = "[[Delay.delayType.1.1.node_label]]", label = "[[Delay.delayType.1.1.label]]", value = REGULAR)),
        @Idx.Option(index = "1.2", pkg = @Pkg(node_label = "[[Delay.delayType.1.2.node_label]]", label = "[[Delay.delayType.1.2.label]]", value = RANDOM))
    @Pkg(label = "[[Delay.delayType.label]]", default_value = "REGULAR", default_value_type = DataType.STRING)
    private String delayType;
    @Idx(index = "2", type = SELECT, options = {
    @Idx.Option(index = "2.1", pkg = @Pkg(label = "[[LaunchWebsite.browser.2.1.label]]", value = "DEFAULT")),
    @Idx.Option(index = "2.2", pkg = @Pkg(label = "[[LaunchWebsite.browser.2.2.label]]", value = "INTERNET_EXPLORER")),
    @Idx.Option(index = "2.3", pkg = @Pkg(label = "[[LaunchWebsite.browser.2.3.label]]", value = "FIREFOX")),
    @Idx.Option(index = "2.4", pkg = @Pkg(label = "[[LaunchWebsite.browser.2.4.label]]", value = "CHROME"))
    }) @Pkg(label = "[[LaunchWebsite.browser.label]]", default_value = "DEFAULT", default_value_type = DataType.STRING) @NotEmptyStringbrowser)

Annotation: Inject

Makes an element eligible for injection into the annotated type object. The injection is setter-based so a corresponding setter in the type is mandatory. The injected values would form the BotCommand parameter map using the name provided in Idx .

Annotation: Next

Participates in the Iterator execution. This annotation can only be used when the BotCommand has commandType set as Iterator . Requires the HasNext annotation to be present. One method needs to be annotated when BotCommand annotation is present on the type. Failure to do so will result in compilation error.

Annotation: Pkg

Makes an element to participate in the package.json creation. This annotation is ignored when Idx is not present.