The Power BI connector enables you to access the Bot Insight API from Power BI. This example task shows you how to retrieve information from the Bot Insight API and build data visualizations in Power BI.


  1. Open Power BI.
  2. Open the Navigator window, and log in to the Control Room by entering the credentials.
  3. In the Display Options menu, select fx Business Information check box.
    The API window appears.
  4. In the botName field, enter the name of the bot, or the task for which you want to visualize the analytical data.
    To enter multiple bot names, separate each name with a comma.
    For example, SalesAPAC,SalesEMEA,SalesUS.
  5. In the pageNo field, enter the offset value for the rows or records that you want to retrieve.
    • If page = 0, and limit =1000, then rows 0 -1000 will be retrieved.
    • If page = 1, and limit =1000, then rows 1001 -2000 will be retrieved.
  6. Optional: In the fromDate field, enter the date from when you want to retrieve the information.
    Format: yyyy-mm-dd, or yyyy-mm-ddTh:m:s.msz (2020-02-20T12:45:23.000z)
    Note: If you do not enter a date, the API will return all available data.
  7. Optional: In the toDate field, enter the date till when you want to retrieve the information.
    Format: yyyy-mm-dd, or yyyy-mm-ddTh:m:s.msz (2020-03-21T15:45:32.000z)
    Note: If you do not enter a date, the API defaults to the current date.
  8. In the limit field, enter the number of rows or records you want to retrieve.
  9. Click Apply and then click Transform Data to convert the structured JSON response to a visual data model.
  10. Click Record and then click each list item until you drill down to the last element in business information.
    Power BI displays the data visualization.