Use the Select File element in the form builder to enable users to attach a file to the form. For example, if the registration form requires a new user to attach a photograph, you can use this element in the form.

If the file upload settings option is enabled by the administrator in the Control Room, you cannot upload executable files (dll files, media type application/x-msdownload).


  1. On the left pane, click Automation.
    A list of available bots and forms is displayed.
  2. Click an existing form or click Create new > Form.
    The form builder page appears.
  3. Drag Select File into the form.
  4. Enter the name of the element in the Element label field.
  5. Use the Select the format type field to set one of the following options for upload file format:
    • Supported Type: If you select this option, in the Enter file formats separated by commas field, ensure that you enter the file types that the user can upload when the bot runs. For example, if you want to allow only .png and .jpeg file types, enter them in the Enter file formats separated by commas field.
    • Unsupported Type: If you select this option, in the Enter file formats separated by commas field, ensure that you enter the file types that will not be supported during upload when the bot runs. For example, if you want to restrict users from uploading .txt and .ppt file types, enter them in the Enter file formats separated by commas field.
  6. Optional: Select Enable file download if you want the users to be able to download the file.
    An interactive icon displays for downloading the file in the preserved format. The file name displays as a hyperlink to download the file in TEMP format.
  7. Optional: Enter the hint text and tooltip for the element.
  8. Optional: Choose one of the following Advance behavior options:
    • Select the Make field required check box to ensure users must select this element during bot runtime.
    • Select the Make field uneditable check box to set the element as a read-only option.
  9. Optional: Choose one of the following options:
    • Reset: Clears all the element customization and sets the default.
    • Delete: Deletes the selected element.
  10. Click Save.
    When you click Preview during bot runtime, the system default application is used to display the selected file.

    For example, if Microsoft Excel is set as the default application and you use Select file to upload a .xls spreadsheet, the selected document is displayed in Microsoft Excel when you click Preview during bot runtime.

    Users can click Browse to select a file or drag a file into the Select File element during bot runtime.