Microsoft 365 Outlook package

The Microsoft 365 Outlook package enables you to automate Outlook emails over Microsoft Outlook server.

Before you start

Microsoft has deprecated EWS API for Exchange Online and has recommended users to move to Graph API.

See Upcoming API Deprecations in Exchange Web Services for Exchange Online.

The Microsoft 365 Outlook package is based on the Graph API and can be used to automate email-related tasks for sending, receiving, and modifying emails and folders in Microsoft 365 Outlook.
Note: The integration of Graph API requires an administrator to grant access, after which you can configure an application access policy and limit the scope of application permissions. See Configure application access policy.
Note: Limited support is available for Graph API from Microsoft. Therefore. if you are using the Azure US GCC High for Microsoft 365 version, the following actions might be impacted:
  • Forward, Reply and Reply all
  • Send action if you have any attachments
Note: Graph API from Microsoft does not support downloading of attachments from emails that contain digital signatures.

Use this package in the following sequence:

  • Use the Connect action to create a session.
  • Use the various actions to automate tasks related to Microsoft 365 Outlook emails.
  • Use the Disconnect action to terminate the connection to the Microsoft Outlook server.
The Microsoft 365 Outlook package supports the email automation of a shared mailbox in Outlook 365. You can automate emails retrieved from a shared mailbox and perform email-related tasks by accessing each folder(s) and its subfolder(s) in the shared mailbox. Ensure the following requirements are met:
  • Administrator has enabled your access to shared mailbox.
  • The required delegated permissions are granted.
  • The shared mailbox is setup in your Microsoft 365 Outlook application.
Review the following table for important proxy considerations while using the Microsoft 365 Outlook package:
Proxy type Description Status
Authenticated Same proxy settings for Control Room URL and Graph API Endpoints Supported
Different proxy credentials for Control Room URL and Graph API Endpoints Not supported
Bypass authenticated proxy for Control Room URL and authenticated proxy settings for Graph API Endpoints Not supported
Unauthenticated Same settings for Control Room URL and Graph API Endpoints Supported
Different proxy settings for Control Room URL and Graph API Endpoints Supported
Combination of Authenticated and Unauthenticated Authenticated proxy for Control Room URL and unauthenticated proxy settings for Graph API Endpoints Supported
Unauthenticated proxy for Control Room URL and authenticated proxy settings for Graph API Endpoints Not supported
None No Proxy found on the Bot Runner machine Supported
Note: NTLM authentication for proxy server is available that enables you to connect to Exchange online.

Actions in the Microsoft 365 Outlook package

In the Actions palette on the Bot editor screen, double-click or drag any of the following actions in the Microsoft 365 Outlook package: