Integrate Automation Co-Pilot with Microsoft Teams

Set up the Automation Anywhere app to access Automation Co-Pilot in the Microsoft Teams platform.

Integrating Automation Co-Pilot in Microsoft Teams

Use the Automation Co-Pilot experience with Microsoft Teams (desktop or web app) directly from your workspace and access authorized automations from within Microsoft Teams without having to open a new interface or learn a new app.

Task summary

  1. Download all files and edit the manifest.json file using your own URL for the Automation Workspace.
  2. Create one zip file for all of the files.
  3. Using the zip file, upload the Automation Anywhere app to your organization's app catalog in Microsoft Teams to make it available to end users for download.
Note: The Automation Anywhere app is not supported on mobile devices.


  • Create a copy of the URL for your organization's Control Room from the Embed code field in Automation Co-Pilot using embedded widget. You will replace the example in the manifest.json file with your URL. See, Setup iFrame widget using Automation Co-Pilot.
    Note: You must use the following parameter in your URL to force the use of the Teams SDK and auth code.
    • If the embed code was generated with Tags, then add
      to the end of the URL.
    • If the embed code was generated without Tags, then add
      to the end of the URL.
  • Download all files from the MS-Teams-Integration/Automation Anywhere/ GitHub folder to use in this setup process.
  • Use admin roles and permissions to access your Microsoft Teams platform during the setup process.


  1. Edit the manifest.json file by replacing all instances of your-a360-domain with the URL of your Control Room.
  2. Create a zip file containing the contents of the Automation Anywhere folder and label it for uploading to Microsoft Teams.
  3. Using the admin role and permissions in Microsoft Teams, upload the zip file.
    1. From the Apps tab, click Manage your apps in the lower left corner.
    2. Click Upload an app.
    3. Note: You must have admin privileges to upload directly. Users without admin privileges should work with their IT department to upload the package with proper authorization.
      Select Upload an app to your org's app catalog to use the app immediately without review. Optionally, you can select Submit an app to your org to submit the app for review by your IT admin.
    4. Select the zip file you created in step 2.
  4. Click Add.
  5. When the App loads, you will be prompted to log in to the Automation Anywhere Control Room. Click Log in to continue.
    The login window closes and the Automation Co-Pilot interface is displayed.

Next steps

The end user installs the Automation Anywhere app:

  1. In Microsoft Teams, click the ellipsis button in the left sidebar and search for the Automation Anywhere app.
  2. When prompted, log in to the Automation Anywhere Control Room and the Automation Co-Pilot interface is displayed.