Check in a template

Check in templates to the public workspace from the private workspace to make them available for all users with permission to create and edit the templates.

Check-in of templates is essential so that Citizen Developer or other users can see all the available templates in the public repository and can use them to create automations.


  • You must have a Bot Creator or Citizen Developer license to check in a template to the public workspace.
  • You must be assigned a custom role with the following permissions:
    • Check in permission at the folder level and at the corresponding parent folder level in the public workspace.
    • To check in a template with dependent folders and files, you must have Create folder permission on the corresponding folders.

      For example, if you are checking in a template from your private workspace and if the folder in which the template is present does not yet exist in the public workspace, you must have Create folder permission to successfully check in the template.


  1. Log in to the Control Room.
  2. On the left pane, click Automation and then select Private.
    A list of available templates and automation is displayed.
  3. Check in either one template or multiple templates simultaneously.
    • Check in single template
      1. Select the template that you want to check in, click the actions menu (vertical ellipsis), and click Check in Template.
      2. In the Check in file window, add your comment and click Check in.
      Note: Directly referenced dependencies are checked in by default.
    • Check in multiple templates
      Note: You can check in up to 10 templates at a time.
      1. Select Check all or select the templates that you want to check in, and from the table level icons click Check in checked items.
      2. Add the comment and click Check in.
      3. Optional: Select Advanced option, add the comment, select the files you want to check in, and click Check in.

        The template appears in the same folder structure in the public workspace. For example, when you check in a template from the sample template folder in the private workspace, it will appear in the sample template folder in the public workspace. Directly referenced dependencies are selected for check in by default. You can review and select other dependencies to check in.