Review what's new in CoE Manager v.30 release.

What's new

Change opportunity to a previous or hold status

There might be a business requirement to change the status of an opportunity back to a previous state or put an opportunity on hold for a certain period of time. This could be due a change in priorities or requirements or due to scope creep for a project. With this capability, you can move an opportunity forward to its next state, move it back to its previous state, or put the opportunity on hold until it is feasible to move it forward.

Track changes to deployed opportunities with change request

You can track changes to deployed opportunities by creating a change request for that opportunity. Using change requests, you can update the automations associated with the opportunity or fix any issues. Additionally, you can view or modify these change requests. You can specify if the change request is an enhancement or an issue, provide a description, and set a priority to address the critical or high priority requests immediately.

Track and report automated application types in an automation program

You can track and report on what types of applications are automated within your automation program. To maintain inventory of the applications used in the automations associated with your opportunity, you can add an application with these details: application name, version, owner, automation approach (user interface, API, database), and the automation complexity.