The repository location is configured in the Control Room after installation. All your automations are stored in this repository.

Before you configure the Control Room server repository, review the repository requirements for deploying Automation 360 On-Premises.

  • For a single node Control Room deployment, the repository can be a local folder.

    For example, C:\ProgramData\AutomationAnywhere\Server Files.

  • For a multiple-node Control Room deployment, the repository should be accessible from all Control Room nodes in the cluster over the network.

    You can create a file share and access the repository from a local machine. For example, \\<fileserver>\\AutomationAnywhere\\Server Files.

The Control Room repository contains server files, such as packages and resource files.
Note: Ensure that you do not create, cut, or copy files or folders manually in the server repository. This might corrupt the repository and make it unusable.

Microsoft Windows: Control Room repository requirements

Review the following requirements for configuring the repository location of cluster nodes:

  • The Windows Distributed File System (DFS).

    DFS requires Automation 360 v.29 or later version.

  • The Control Room uses its service account to connect to the repository, you must have read/write permission to the repository location.
  • The repository path must meet the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) requirements.

    For details, see UNC Path.

  • The repository size depends on the user data.

    For details about storage requirements, see Control Room server requirements. For supported file and folder size, see Capacity and performance planning.

    For repository migration requirements, contact your Automation Anywhere representative.

  • You can configure the repository using Network File System (NFS) protocols, such as Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Azure Files, and Amazon Elastic File System (EFS).
  • Network-attached storage (NAS) that uses Server Message Block version 3 (SMBv3) is supported for the following platforms:
    • Microsoft Windows
    • Amazon Web Services
    • Microsoft Azure
    • Google Cloud Platform
    • Linux

Linux: Control Room configuration using the default repository path

  • Ensure that the default path exists in the system and use this default path during the Linux installation.

    After the installation, you can modify the repository path or copy files from one directory to another. Verify that all copied files and folders have the same permissions as before the installation.

  • Ensure that permission for the path is crkernel:controloroom.
  • If there is no permission, add the following permission.
    sudo chmod -R 775 /opt/automationanywhere/enterprise/appdata 
  • Run the following command to allow users access to the crkernel:controloroom path:
    sudo chown -R crkernel:controlroom /opt/automationanywhere/enterprise/appdata

Linux: Control Room configuration with a user-defined repository path

  • Ensure that the default path exists in the system.
  • Ensure that permission for the path is crkernel:controloroom.
  • If there is no permission, add the following permission.
    sudo chmod -R 775 /CRRepo/AutomationAnywhere
  • Run the command to allow users access the crkernel:controloroom path:
    sudo chown -R crkernel:controlroom /CRRepo/AutomationAnywhere

The crkernel:controloroom user is created after the Control Room installation, so set the user permission to a specified repository before performing the final Control Room configuration.