Get file or folder information action

The Get file or folder information action in the Microsoft 365 OneDrive package retrieves information for a specific file or folder from OneDrive.


  • Enter the user session that you provided in the Connect action.
  • Provide the file or folder name and path, or file/folder link.

    To obtain the file or folder link, copy the link generated from Share OneDrive files and folders

    For example, to perform this action on a file named SalesReport.xlxs, located in the Accounts folder, enter /Accounts/SalesReport.xlxs.
    Note: The forward slash that indicates that a file or folder is located in the root directory is optional.
  • Assign the output to a record variable.

    The variable will hold the following file or folder details: Name, ID, CreatedBy, CreationDate, LastModifiedBy, LastModificationDate, and ParentFolderPath.