Starts a bot when a predefined action occurs on the selected Microsoft Windows process.

This procedure is for a scenario where you want to configure a trigger to start a bot when users launch or close Microsoft Outlook. Before you configure the process trigger, ensure that you have the Microsoft Outlook application open on your system so that you can select this process.


  1. On the left pane, click Automation.
    A list of available bots and forms is displayed.
  2. Click Create new > Bot.
  3. Enter a name for the bot.
    All the bots are stored in the \Bots folder. (Optional) Click Browse to change the folder.
  4. Click Create & edit.
  5. In the bot builder page, click Triggers > Process trigger.
  6. Drag Process into Drag a trigger here.
    The Process trigger: Process editing panel appears.
  7. Click the Process name drop-down menu and select Outlook.exe.

    Refresh the Process name drop-down menu if none of the processes are listed.

  8. Select the following check boxes to set the trigger condition:
    • Starts: Triggers the bot when users launch or start Microsoft Outlook.
    • Stops: Triggers the bot when users close or stop Microsoft Outlook.
  9. Optional: Use the Assigned to drop-down menu to assign a variable.
    If you want to use the Variables tab to create a variable, ensure that you select the Use as input check box for it to appear in the Assigned to (optional) drop-down menu.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Click Run > Run with triggers.
    The preset trigger is created, and the bot is triggered when the user launches or closes the Microsoft Outlook application.