Change PEG to the forwarding mode and then back to the review mode.


By default, PEG initially starts in the review mode.


  1. To switch to the forwarding mode:
    1. Edit the ~/peg/text_pipeline/values-gpu.yaml file. At the end of the file, change the forward_to_fluentd value to true and save the changes.
      forward_to_fluentd: "true"
    2. Push the change to PEG by running the following from any folder:
      source ~/peg/scripts/
      kubectl delete cronjob.batch/text-pipeline-masking-masking-cron -n text-pipeline
      kubectl get pods --output=jsonpath={} -n text-pipeline -o=name | grep cron | xargs -n1 kubectl delete --grace-period=0 --force -n text-pipeline
      helm upgrade text-pipeline ${text_pipeline_dir} -f ${values_file_t} --namespace text-pipeline --set$new_gen_uuid.$apex_domain --set$new_gen_uuid.$apex_domain
  2. To switch back to the review mode:
    1. Edit the ~/peg/text_pipeline/values-gpu.yaml file. At the end of the file, change the forward_to_fluentd value to false and save the changes.
      forward_to_fluentd: "false"
    2. Push the change to PEG by running the following from any folder:
      source ~/peg/scripts/
      kubectl delete cronjob.batch/text-pipeline-masking-masking-cron -n text-pipeline
      kubectl get pods --output=jsonpath={} -n text-pipeline -o=name | grep cron | xargs -n1 kubectl delete --grace-period=0 --force -n text-pipeline
      helm upgrade text-pipeline ${text_pipeline_dir} -f ${values_file_t} --namespace text-pipeline --set$new_gen_uuid.$apex_domain --set$new_gen_uuid.$apex_domain