Automation 360 v.24 Release Notes

Release date: 08 April 2022

Review what's new and changed, and the fixes and limitations in the Automation 360 v.24 (Build 12350) release.

Important: We have updated the Automation 360 v.24 (Build 12350) to include fixes for the following issues:
  • After migration, when you ran the migrated bots, they displayed an error for variables within double quotation marks (" ") (Service Cloud case ID: 01802575, 01803323, 01803800, 01804121, 01804820).
  • When you clicked the Automation Co-Pilot icon, the Control Room was displayed instead of the Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant sign-in screen (Service Cloud case ID: 01803979).

Updating to this release

You can update to Automation 360 v.24 from the previous three releases (that is, from n−3 releases, where n refers to the latest release). The following previous releases are certified for update to this release:
  • v.23 (Build 11513)
  • v.22 (Build 10526)
  • v.21 (Builds 9664, 9642, 9595)

You can directly update to v.24 from any of these builds (see Update Automation 360 to latest version). If you are not on an n−3 release, update Automation 360 to one of the three certified releases (listed previously) before updating to this release.

  • If you are directly updating to this release from Automation 360 On-Premises v.21, remove the following Bot Agent files and folders:
    • C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\AutomationAnywhere\
    • C:\ProgramData\AutomationAnywhere\GlobalCache\embedded-resources
  • Before you update to this release from Automation 360 On-Premises v.22, refer to the upgrade considerations in Update Automation 360 to latest version.
Important: This release includes an optional Bot Agent update. To use the new features in v.24 (including updates to Bot Migration, Browser, DLL, Process Discovery, and Recorder packages), update the Bot Agent available with this release. However, note that if you want to run your existing bots, you do not have to update your Bot Agent to this release.
For information on updating to this release, see these resources:

For the latest updates to the Automation 360 extensions for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox, see Browser extensions for Automation 360.

Important: This release includes new command packages in which the Apache log4j2 library is no longer bundled. However, older command packages, from Automation 360 v.23 and earlier, might continue to have the log4j2 library bundled within. If you want to use command packages without the log4j2 bundled within, we recommend that you use the newer Automation 360 v.24 packages in your tasks.


Enterprise 11 and Enterprise 10 features
Self-service Control Room migration

You can now manage the migration provisioning process with self migration capabilities. You can also choose between manual and automated migration.

Self-service Control Room Migration

Enhancement to migration of Credential Vault variables

Migration is now supported when Credential Vault variables are passed from one MetaBot Logic to another MetaBot Logic for the following commands:

  • IF > Logic Successful
  • IF > Logic Unsuccessful
  • Begin Error Handling > Run Logic
You can now successfully migrate Enterprise 11 bots that use the 32-bit wscript.exe to the 64-bit architecture, without exception errors. This enhancement helps you to successfully execute VBScript.
Migrate MetaBot with parent and child Logic with renamed Logic

You can now migrate a MetaBot with a Logic (parent) that includes a renamed Logic (child). If a child Logic is renamed after it is mapped to the parent Logic, this parent Logic mapping is now migrated with the new name.

This enhancement applies to the following commands:
  • IF > Logic Successful
  • IF > Logic Unsuccessful
  • Else If > Logic Successful
  • Else If > Logic Unsuccessful
  • Error Handling > Run Logic
  • Run Logic
Migrate when MetaBot and Logic have the same name

You can now successfully migrate your Enterprise 11 bots when the name of the MetaBot and the assets folder or the Logic name inside that MetaBot are the same. The Logic name is suffixed with -bot. The name is appended only when the Logic or the folder is on the same hierarchy as the MetaBot.

  • If an existing bot has the renamed Logic or assets folder, the Logic is then renamed with the next available number. For example, -botn, where n indicates the next available number. Additionally, an action required message is displayed.
  • If a MetaBot or a Logic calls a renamed Logic or Task Bots, the command path is updated to include the new name.
  • If a Logic, MetaBot, or a folder name exists with a new name, the existing bot is overwritten.

    Migration messages

Consolidated view of migrated bots and their status

Use the Overview tab in the Control Room to get a consolidated view of the status of the migrated bots. View the overall status of bot migration for all the bots that are successfully migrated, those that failed to migrate, and those that require review or action. You also have the option to rerun migration on selected bots and view the history of each bot that has gone through multiple migrations.

Bot Migration Wizard

Enterprise 11 only features
Update to AAApplicationPath, CurrentDirectory, and AAInstallationPath variables

If your migrated bot contains $AAApplicationPath$, $CurrentDirectory$, or $AAInstallationPath$ variables in any file or folder path, a validation check for the absolute path is no longer performed during migration. Also, a temporary variable ($m-string-start-in-path$) is not created and assigned to the migrated bot for validation. As a result, the size of a migrated bot is now reduced and the bot performance is enhanced.

Enhancement to migrate bots with Email Connect command

When you migrate Enterprise 11 bots that contain the Email > Connect and Email > Send commands configured for EWS server, the Azure Cloud field is set to Azure Global and the Authentication type is set to OAuth2-Silent which was previously called OAuth2.

Note that OAuth2 now supports two modes: Silent and Interactive.

Using Connect action in Email package

Migrate bots with timeout configured to send REST and SOAP request

The timeout value configured in Enterprise 11 to send REST and SOAP requests is now migrated to Automation 360 as part of the global values (AARestTimeOut and AASoapTimeOut). The default timeout value is set as 60000 ms in Automation 360. You can update this value if the REST Web Services takes more time to receive a response.

REST Web Services package | Example of using the SOAP web service action

Enterprise 10 only features
Migrate new or modified Enterprise 10 bots to Automation 360 (Service Cloud case ID 00719524)

You can now migrate new or modified Enterprise 10 bots to Automation 360 after an earlier migration. A new export utility is now available that enables you to export such new and modified bots from the Enterprise 10 Control Room repository. You can then import the exported bots later to Automation 360 using Bot Lifecycle Management (BLM) and then finally migrate them using the Bot Migration Wizard.

Migrate new or updated Enterprise 10 bots to Automation 360

Automation Workspace

What's new
Bot Agent updates and early availability of packages

Starting from this release, you can choose or skip some Bot Agent updates and start using packages as soon as new package versions become generally available regardless of your region.

Bot Agent updates that support new packages or updates to packages will be made available quarterly, with updates alternating between mandatory and optional.

Previously, Bot Agent updates were available automatically across user device pools without affecting bot execution. In some large and complex deployment scenarios, these updates were cumbersome but could not be skipped. (Examples include deployments where the device pools were deployed using standard device Amazon Machine Image (AMI) on separate schedules requiring greater coordination, change management processes, and approvals in the user environment for the Bot Agent update.) Now, you can skip an optional update and update to the next mandatory Bot Agent update as Automation 360 will start providing reverse compatibility with Bot Agent for a release every six months.

Also, with every release, you can start using the latest packages as soon as new package versions are released. For Automation 360 Cloud users, package updates are now available asynchronously across all regions, so you can start using the latest packages on the current Control Room version even before the Control Room update is made available for your region.

Compatibility with release builds

Create multi-login users

You can now create a multi-login user. A multi-login user is allowed multiple sessions to the Control Room through the API.

Multi-login user |

Do more with Microsoft Edge Chromium

You can now use the Microsoft Edge Chromium browser extension for the following:

  • Bot Agent proxy configuration
  • Automatic population of device credentials

Browser requirements for Automation Workspace

Reduce turnaround time

You can now reduce the turnaround time for collecting information on issues by capturing log files from the Bot Runner device. You can save the log files by using the new -collectlogs command with the Bot Agent diagnostic utility.

Perform Bot Agent diagnostic checks

Google Chrome policy change impact on Bot Agent

From Google Chrome version 101, Google Chrome is deprecating direct access to private network endpoints from public websites as part of the Private Network Access (PNA) specification for URLs using https. To mitigate its impact, starting from this release, response headers are added to the Bot Agent that enable the Bot Agent to communicate with Control Room on Google Chrome browsers. This will ensure that operations such as device registration, bot recording, playback, and deployment are not adversely affected because of this change.

Enhancement to AISense Recorder

You can now use AISense Recorder to automate applications that use Japanese and a combination of Japanese and English interfaces.

AISense for recording tasks from remote applications

Wait time option in SOAP Web Service and REST Web Services packages (Service Cloud case ID: 00756730, 00792793, 01255869, 01753287)

When you create a bot, you can now set a time-out value for actions in REST and SOAP requests. To indicate how long a bot should wait for a response from the server before timing out, you can set a wait time (in milliseconds) in the Wait for actions to complete field. You can enter a number or a variable or provide a global value.

Format text with new HTML editor in Email package

In the Email package, when you use the Send, Reply, and Forward actions, you can now create and customize your email layout and body by using the new HTML design editor. Use the editor toolbar to make various changes to your text, such as applying bold, italic, and other formatting effects, inserting links, and changing the font and size of the text. You can copy the content from the design editor and paste it to other windows.

Task Bot package now supports passing Window variable to child bot (Service Cloud case ID: 00691890, 00804359, 01258948, 01764292)

In the Run action of the Task Bot package, when you select Input values fields and enter the values or variables to pass to the child bot, you can now choose the Window type variable and pass it from parent bot to child bot.

New option in Content type field of REST Web Services package (Service Cloud case ID: 00666852, 00789910, 00771194, 00785116, 00825945, 01762199)

You can now use the multipart/form-data option to upload files and data through REST Web Services. The content type multipart/form-data can be used to submit form elements containing files, non-ASCII data, and binary data. This option is available for actions such as POST, PUT, and PATCH.

Custom delimiter option in SOAP Web Service package

For responses specific to XPath, you can now use the custom delimiter option to delimit the return content from the SOAP response. In the Custom Delimiter field, you can provide a character or a variable, and the output of the delimited response will be a complete string.

New option in Run function action of DLL package (Service Cloud case ID: 00830568, 01063654, 01259336, 01767965)

In the Run function action of the DLL package, when the C# DLL interacts with the Windows API to perform system-related operations, such as keystroke, mouse click, or window switching, an intermediate window (AAZeroSizeForm) is displayed occasionally and interrupts the user's operation when the bot is running. In some cases, the DLL function does not interact with the Windows API to perform actions, such as keystroke, mouse click, or window switching, on the operating system UI through the DLL function. In such cases, you can now select the Run function in background check box to bypass the intermediate window (AAZeroSizeForm) and run the C# DLL in the console application without the form. This feature also helps to improve the performance of the DLL execution if the Run function in background check box is selected.

Autoscroll supported in Bot editor (Service Cloud case ID: 00730747)

When you are creating or editing bots with a large number of lines of code and when you drag actions up or down the page, the page now automatically scrolls up or down accordingly. This feature is supported in both Flow and List views.

Configure session timeout in Control Room settings (Service Cloud case ID: 00765320)

You can now ensure that your web session does not time out, such as when you are creating a bot, by configuring a suitable session timeout duration in the Control Room settings. Depending on the timeout duration configured, you will be timed out only after the specified number of minutes of inactivity, which prevents loss of work due to early timeout.

New JSON package

Use the JSON package to automate JSON data. You can now extract the required information from JSON text or file and directly use the values in the bot.

JSON package

New option in Catch action of Error handler package (Service Cloud case ID: 00766117)
In the Error handler package, you can now ignore errors from actions inside the Catch block by using the Catch > On error, continue with next action option. When you select the On error, continue with next action check box, even if there is an error from an action in the Catch block, no exception is thrown and the bot ignores the error and continues to the next action.
Note: This enhancement applies to all nested actions in the Catch block. For example, if you have a Try/Catch action inside a main Catch action, if the check box is selected on the main Catch action, any error from actions within the nested block will also be ignored.
Enhancements to the Connect action of the Email package (Service Cloud case ID: 00830611, 01264796, 00788467)
  • You can now connect to an EWS server hosted on Azure US GCC high cloud.
  • The action now enables Federated Azure users to connect to an EWS server in Attended Automation mode.

Using Connect action in Email package

Enhancement to String package

In the Extract text action of the String package, when you use the After or Before and/or after option, you can now extract a substring from a specified source string that occurs in the range of 1 through 999999 times in a file.

Search for files by specific date

You can now search for files created or modified on a specific date by using the new On a date option available in the File Date condition of various packages.

You can use this feature with the following packages and actions:
  • File package
    • Copy Desktop files action
    • Delete action
    • Print action
    • Print multiple files action
    • Rename action
  • Folder package
    • Copy action
    • Delete action
    • Rename action
  • If > File date condition
  • Loop > While > File date condition
New action in Excel advanced package (Service Cloud Case ID: 01263892, 01782290)

When you perform actions in a Microsoft Excel worksheet, you can now disable or enable real-time screen update by using the new Disable or enable real-time screen update action of the Excel advanced package. This action is useful to improve the performance of Excel-based automations at run time when dealing with large data sets.

Worksheet operations in Excel advanced

Support for copying metadata from one bot to another

You can now copy image and metadata files from one bot to another by using the Copy to shared clipboard option.

Add document extraction capabilities to bots

You can now make bots connect to your Google Cloud service account, send documents to a specific processor, and retrieve the extracted data in JSON format by using the actions in the Google Document AI package.

Google Document AI package
Use Recorder conditions in Chromium-based Microsoft Edge with Internet Explorer (IE) mode
You can now use the Object exists and Object does not exist Recorder conditions in Chromium-based Microsoft Edge with IE mode for the following packages:
  • Loop > While condition
  • Wait > Wait for condition
  • If package
Use custom datetime formats
Use the following conventions to specify custom datetime formats and convert a datetime value:
  • D: Specify a day in a year as D or DD.
  • a: Specify an AM/PM marker for the 12-hour time format.

Datetime formats

Internet Explorer browser support for Browser package and window variables
  • The following actions of the Browser package now support the Internet Explorer browser:
    • Open
    • Close
    • Go back
    • Get source code
  • In the Browser option, you can now select the Internet Explorer tabs from the list of active tabs.

Browser package

Enhancement to Datetime package
The Variable option in the Datetime > Assign action is now enhanced and divided into two options:
  • Datetime: Enables you to select the date and time along with the time zone manually and assign it to a Datetime variable.
  • Variable: Enables you to select the Datetime variable or other variables that can have Datetime as a subtype, such as the Dictionary, Record, and list variables.

Using the Assign action

Enhancement to Recorder package

You can now capture and automate objects inside a cross-domain IFrame that has multiple IFrames with the same frame source and IFrames that are loaded at run time in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Chromium browsers. You can do this by using the Recorder > Capture or the Start recording option. This support is also available for offline Google Chrome extensions.

Recorder package

Support for pop-up windows and dialog boxes in Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge Chromium, and Mozilla Firefox browsers (Service Cloud Case ID: 00762207, 00769773, 00781196, 00786646, 00777907, 00795677, 00785995,00808600, 00811044, 00767486, 01282172, 01286665, 01256750, 01762040)

When you are automating a web page on the supported browsers, you can now capture the pop-up windows, alert dialog boxes, confirmation dialog boxes, and prompt dialog boxes that appear. You can do this by using the Recorder > Capture or Start recording option.

Recorder package

Retrieve source code of an iFrame in Google Chrome browser
You can now retrieve the source code of an iFrame in the Google Chrome browser by using the Browser > Get source code action. You can use the new Capture object option to capture these iFrames.
Note: The Capture object feature is optional and is only used to retrieve the source code of an iFrame.
Run JavaScript inside an iFrame in Google Chrome browser

You can now run JavaScript in a page that contains iFrames in the Google Chrome browser by using the Browser > Run JavaScript action. You can use the new Capture object option to capture iFrames on which you want to run JavaScript.

Note: The Capture object feature is optional and is only used to run JavaScript inside an iFrame.
Global session support for Excel basic package
  • The Global session option is now supported for the Excel basic package. Use the Global session option to share a Microsoft Excel session across multiple bots so that you can use the same Excel worksheet across these bots.
  • The Session name field is now renamed Create Excel session.

Using the Open action for Excel basic

Default variable to hold number type data
When you are building or testing a bot, you can now use the default number variable SampleNumber, which is included in the Variables palette.
Note: The default number variable is only available in new bots.
Export and import password-protected files
To improve security by providing protection against unauthorized access and malicious editing and also to protect privacy, the export and import features are now enhanced to include the password option. With this feature you can now perform the following:
  • Set a password for the files that you want to export from your Control Room.
  • Import the password-protected exported file into your Control Room.

Export bots | Import bots

New options in Git configuration (Service Cloud case ID: 00782957, 00837059, 00687394, 00783715, 00714059, 00659476, 00749755, 00786233, 00748166, 00776417)
You can now perform the following actions for Git configuration:
  • Choose either the HTTPS or SSH authentication method to set up the Git configuration. The SSH authentication method is more secure as the authentication is based on a public and private key pair.
  • Specify the branch to which you want to push your Git commits. This helps with team coordination and workflow management.
  • Connect to your Git repository by using a proxy server.

Configure a remote Git repository in Control Room | Restore bots from Git repository

Force push now a configuration setting for Git Integration in the Control Room (Service Cloud case ID: 00683762)

You can now configure the Git push to be with or without the force push flag. Previously, updating a remote Git from the Control Room exclusively functioned as a force push. This force push is the recommended and optimal setting.

Support for Azure DevOps (On-Premises or Cloud) Git for SSH authentication (Service Cloud case ID: 00652012, 00690526)

You can now use either the SSH or the HTTPS authentication method to connect to Azure DevOps (On-Premises or Cloud) Git through the Control Room to check in a bot and its dependent files to the remote Azure DevOps Git repository.

Connect to Azure DevOps Git from Control Room

Spring core vulnerability - CVE-2022-22965 (01793279, 01793398, 01793497,01793679,01794189)

Updated to the Spring Framework which has the patch for CVE - CVE-2022-22965 vulnerability.

What's changed
Migration validation checks for default device settings

The prerequisites validation for migration now validates whether Bot Runners selected for bot migration have the default device set. If the default device is not set, then bot migration cannot proceed and the validation report lists a validation error. The report also shows the specific Bot Runner devices that do not have a default device.

Note that bot migration cannot use devices that are selected at runtime.

Bot migration report shows migrated bot with action and review required

The bot migration report now separately lists bots that might require an action or review after migration. This feature enables you to view the list of bots that will require action or review and to plan post-migration steps accordingly.

Migrate 11.x bots with forward slash in file and folder path (Service Cloud case ID 00808534)

You can now migrate Enterprise 11 bots that include a forward slash in the path used within the File and folder action. Previously, only the backslash was supported in the path and so the user could not create a folder on SharePoint.

You can now manually migrate Enterprise 11 bots even when the My MetaBots folder is not present in the Control Room because this folder is no longer validated during migration.
Enhanced user management

You can now view the activity of bots started by other users from the folders for which you have run and scheduling permissions.

Enhancement to API key validity setting (Service Cloud case ID: 00543590, 00719480, 01373359)

You can now increase the duration of validity for API keys to 9999 days from the Control Room settings for authentication. Previously, the duration of validity for API keys was 45 days. With this enhancement, a Control Room admin need not regenerate the API key every 45 days to authenticate Automation 360 APIs.

Enhanced security in Image Recognition package

You now have enhanced security when you use any of the Image Recognition actions from the Image Recognition package. Image logging is now disabled to ensure that if a bot fails while running one of the Image Recognition actions, the captured source and target images are no longer stored in the log folder.

Enhancement to subject filter in Email package (Service Cloud case ID: 00776374, 00953823, 975605)

When you connect to an Exchange Web Services (EWS) server, to repeat a set of actions on all the email messages that meet a set of criteria, use the Move all action from the Email package or use Loop > Iterator > For each mail in mailbox. The When subject contains field is now case sensitive. When you enter text inside a pair of double quotation marks ("") in the When subject contains field, the bot retrieves all the email messages whose subject exactly matches the text and the case that you entered inside a pair of double quotation marks.

Change to default variable name
The name of the default string-type variable is now changed from prompt-assignment to SampleString.
Note: This change only impacts new bots.
Change in activity information on Historical page

The information about bot execution activity is retrieved for 90 days in the Control Room Historical activity page. Information older than 90 days can be viewed in the audit logs.

View completed activity

Enhanced Secure Recording mode control

If you are an administrator, you can now enable or disable the Secure Recording mode based on assigned user roles (permissions) for more granular control of the Control Room.

Secure recording

The following table lists fixes alongside the build in which each issue was fixed. Build 12350 is the latest build and includes fixes from the previous builds.

Build Service Cloud case ID Description
12350 01768021, 01803781 After the upgrade, the Control Room is no longer unresponsive and behaves normally. Previously, the Control Room was unresponsive after the upgrade due to Java deadlocks.
12350 01802575, 01803323, 01803800, 01804121, 01804820 After you update from a previous release to this release, when you run the bots, the migrated bots no longer show an error for variables within double quotation marks (" "). You do not have to remove the double quotation marks as a workaround to run the bots.

For example, after you update from Automation 360 v.23, you can run a bot with the Excel advanced package that contains the following variable: "$HeaderCounter


12342 00827504, 00788652, 00827730, 01259452 With the required permissions, you can now view the correct information in the Historical Activity page. Previously, a "Do not have sufficient permissions" error sometimes prevented even users with administrative permissions from viewing some of the entries in the Historical Activity page.
12342 00823799, 01623586 When you migrate Enterprise 11 MetaBots with Input, Output, and None variable parameter types, these are now correctly mapped to the respective parameter type in Automation 360 after migration.

Previously, the Enterprise 11 Input, Output, or None variable types were mapped to Input/Output type after migration.

12342 00819756 After migration, when you run a bot that contains Switch to sheet action and the action is performed, the worksheet is now visible and is activated for further operations.
12342 01773270, 01781001 The Cloud Migration Utility can now connect successfully to the database even when the database credentials contain the following special characters:

& # @ % $

12342 00988580, 01200161 After you migrate from Enterprise 11 to Automation 360, you can now Check out bots and dependent files to the Control Room Public workspace.

Previously, the dependent files were not available for Check out in the Control Room Public workspace. The parent bots had to be checked out first so that the dependent files could be automatically cloned and available for Check out.

12342 00788046 When you run a bot with the Wait, File, Folder as Actions or If/Loop as Conditions and if the Start Date and End Date options are set to the same date, these bots now execute the respective action or conditions based on the end date that is set.
12342 01598462 The Run Logic command now works correctly when MetaBots contain Logic with different parameters assigned to each Logic. If you disable one Logic in a MetaBot, the other Logic and its command will work correctly.

Previously, if one Logic in a MetaBot was disabled, commands related to another Logic were disabled.

12342 01251985, 01264753, 01272804 In the SAP BAPI package, the Get Table command for the Table subtype now successfully retrieves results for the Import, Export and Table parameters.

Previously, if you ran the Get Table command for the Table subtype for Import or Export parameters, the command failed.

12342 01262390 When you migrate Enterprise 11 bots that use the IF > File exists condition with a wildcard in the file name, they now run successfully irrespective of whether the parent folder is available in the path.

Previously, if the parent folder was not present in the condition path, the bot stopped running and encountered an error.

If you are on this release or an earlier one, you can use IF > File exists condition with the parent folder, along with current IF > File exists condition with wildcard.

12342 -- A migrated that includes the File and folder command has the Include start and end dates check box enabled by default. As a result, Enterprise 11 bots no longer fail in Automation 360 when the file rename operation is performed, even if the start and end dates specified are the same for comparison using the Is between condition.
12342 01751462 When the Run Task command with a variable path is disabled and the variable used in the path is deleted, the Task Bot can now be migrated, without any error. Previously, migration failed and a preprocessing error was displayed.
12342 00824337 The migration result no longer shows an error message when you migrate a bot with the credential name in Japanese.
12342 00783883 The HTML technology-based action (for example, GetProperty) now supports the retry mechanism, which enables you to migrate bots that include the recorder command with an inner text.
12342 -- You can now successfully migrate Enterprise 11 bots that have negative values for x and y coordinates for top and left fields.
12342 00827997 Bot Scanner now allows the migration of bots with multiple expression conditions that include a disabled line of code and no longer shows an error.
12342 00834597 Bot Scanner now successfully analyzes a MetaBot screen and no longer shows an error for the preprocessing of the source file.
12342 01213241 All plug-ins now successfully load when you open an Excel sheet using the Excel > Open action.
12342 01504682 Bot Scanner no longer shows an internal error even if a bot contains any of these special characters: &#26.
12342 -- You can now successfully migrate Enterprise 10 bots that have roles with folder permissions. Previously, such permissions were not migrated.
Note: The Run and Schedule role is not migrated.
12342 01632298 You can now successfully migrate bots with the Analytics variable through the Bot Migration Wizard, and after migration the status is displayed as successful. Previously, these bots were stuck in the In Progress state and therefore the bots did not run.
12342 00828781, 01258567, 01273170, 01469879 Bots now complete their execution faster than previously when a proxy is enabled through a PAC file in Cloud deployments.
12342 01385567, 01749465 The Control Room now correctly shows the information for Display intranet sites in Compatibility View in Compatibility View Settings. Previously, in Automation 360 v.23, a blank page was displayed because of an internal issue.
12342 00807226, 01148097 If an IP subnet address contains the numeral 80 (for example,, you can now configure the Control Room port to 80 in the installer.

Previously, if the subnet address contained the numeral 80, the Control Room port could not be configured to 80. A different port number that did not contain 80 had to be configured for the IP.

12342 00836549 When you copy a role by using Create Role within a Control Room, user and bot permissions are now correctly retained. Previously, editing the associated role caused all associated bot permissions to be lost.
12342 01434341, 01755003, 01755713, 01756244, 01757083, 01756871, 01758346 You can now successfully search for Japanese characters within bots by using the Find in this bot search box. Previously, the Japanese characters typed through the keyboard were not entered correctly and you had to use a workaround to search for Japanese characters.

Japanese language search support

12342 -- If you Check in a bot to the Control Room Public workspace after filtering any dependency data, when you export the bot, only the filtered data is displayed now. Previously, even after filtering the dependency data, all data was displayed.
12342 00819477 You can now view dependent files when you open a bot in the bot editor. Previously, the dependent files were listed only in view mode.
12342 -- When a device pool name includes the underscore character (_), the MSI Installer now completes autoregistration of device pool properties, resulting in device pool names with underscores to populate. Previously, the MSI Installer did not complete autoregistration of a device if the device pool included an underscore character.
12342 01758029, 017596611 You can now use Azure AD authentication to connect to Azure database server when you install the Control Room using Windows installer and installation script. Previously, if Azure AD authentication was selected on the Database server window, Control Room installation failed.
12342 -- After you install or upgrade Automation 360 from a previous release, the Control Room Installation summary page now displays the correct version number. Previously, the page displayed an incorrect version number.
12342 00796190, 00827493, 01251725 When you deploy a bot, the run-time window now displays the correct line number and package name for the capture desktop action of the Error Handling package. You can find the exact line number that caused the error by using a variable in the Error handler: Catch > Assign line number to option.
12342 00800990 You can now rename a bot by changing the text from uppercase to lowercase or from half-width to full-width characters. For example, you can rename a bot from Automate to automate.

Previously, the text in the bot name could not be changed. When the text was changed, the following error message was displayed:

Unable to create a file with the name <filename>. That name is already in use. To continue, please rename your file. Code: repository.exception.file.exists
12342 01258242 When you run a bot that contains multiple conditions and a missing operator in one of the conditions through the Bot editor, an error message is now displayed about the missing operator. When you update an action and save the changes and if there is a missing operator, an AND operator is now added by default. Previously, bots with multiple conditions failed intermittently with a preprocessor error.
12342 00805738 An error message is now displayed and you can no longer check in or check out files whose filepaths are identical except for differences in case. Previously, when the filepath had different cases and was checked in or checked out, there were issues during bot deployment.
12342 01753711 You no longer encounter any issue when you check out a folder that contains tasks with dependencies. Previously, casing-related issues occurred in string comparison operations, which caused errors in check-in and check-out operations.
12342 01271474, 01761856 When you assign a production label to a child bot that has more than one version, the production version is now displayed during bot operations. Previously, instead of the production version, the latest version of the child bot was displayed.
12342 01270601, 01260628, 01255632, 01758499, 01775489,01773778 When you connect with Microsoft Outlook, IMAP, or POP3, you can now create a bot and save all emails to a folder even if the email subject line contains slash (/) or backslash (\) characters. When you save the emails, the slash (/) and backslash (\) characters in the subject line are now replaced by an underscore (_) character.
12342 01755993, 01782945, 01775161, 01792954 In the Email package when you connect to Microsoft Outlook to automate an email-related task, you can now use the Move all action followed by Loop action to move unread emails from one folder to another folder. Previously, when you ran the bot, the bot failed to move the unread emails because of an error.
12342 01264563 You can now create a bot using the Global session option in the Open action of the DLL package and choose DLL session does not exist for the If condition. Previously, an error was encountered when the Open action of the DLL package and the If (DLL session does not exist) condition were called multiple times in a sequence.
12342 01258059 In the XML package, when you create a bot to retrieve the data by using the Get single node action and if the XML file has some lines that are commented out, the output no longer shows those lines. Previously, the output displayed the lines that were commented out.
12342 -- In SOAP Web Service, when you select Raw data parameter and use the Build Xpath option, you can now successfully extract values from the SOAP response and store the XML output in a variable. Previously, you could not extract values from the SOAP response because the Build Xpath option did not work as expected.
12342 01071731, 01762875 When you open a CSV or TXT file, read data from that file, and write data from a Table type variable to the file, the bot no longer fails if the CSV or TXT file contains large data sets. The bot now runs successfully even when the Create folders/files if it doesn't exist and Override existing file check boxes are selected in the Write to file action.
12342 00968574 An error no longer occurs when you create a bot by using the Open action of the VBScript package and select a VBScript file from the desktop with the file extension in uppercase. Previously, if the file extension was in uppercase, the bot failed because the file was considered an invalid script file.
12342 00831463 Using the Email package, you can now send emails with the email subject containing a combination of Japanese half-width characters and katakana characters. Previously, if email subject contained a combination of Japanese half-width characters and katakana characters, the output displayed was garbled in the mail received.
12342 00822222 When you connect to the EWS server to automate an email-related task, you can now send multiple emails without providing any value in the subject field when you use the Send email action in a loop. Previously, when there was an empty value in the subject field, the bot failed to read such mails.
12342 00823283 In the FTP / SFTP package, you no longer encounter an error when you provide the folder name as a dot (.) in the Get folders action. When you run the bot, it downloads all the folders from the current directory to the local folder path provided in the action.
12342 00824379 In the Google Sheets package, when you open a spreadsheet and use the Go to cell with the cell option as Specific cell and if the spreadsheet has more than 40000 rows and you select the One cell below option, the bot now executes successfully. Previously, an error occurred on bot execution.
12342 00788970 The bot name is now translated correctly in Chinese (Simple Chinese) in the Bot running window. Previously, the bot name was displayed as garbled in the Bot running window.
12342 01270344, 01767148 When you use the Google Sheets package and open a Google spreadsheet, you can now use the Get all sheet names action to successfully retrieve the names of all the sheets. Previously, if the Google spreadsheet had more than five sheets in it, the bot encountered an error.
12342 01709026, 01755897, 01768689, 01761434, 01554474 An error no longer occurs when you establish a connection by using the OBDC driver in the Database package. For Microsoft SQL Server, the blank value is now inserted as 0 in the database table for the int column.
12342 01602081 When you use actions from the REST Web Services package to send requests and receive responses from a REST API and to store the response status of the API in a dictionary variable, REST now returns headers and empty body content in response even if the API does not have response body.
12342 01758733 When you migrate from Enterprise 11 to Automation 360, after you edit or add some actions to a bot that does not exist in a parent bot, when you save the bot, it is now saved without any delay. Previously, it took some time to save the bot.
12342 01254323 An error no longer occurs when you use the Create workbook action of the Excel advanced package to create a workbook inside a folder in a network drive path.
12342 01036851 When you open a file with .xlsx extension by using the Open action of the Excel advanced package, the bot no longer fails even if an intermediate parent folder does not have access privileges. For example, the Open action can open the file from \\share\a\b\c\file.xlsx if the \\share\a\b\c folder has access privileges even if the \\share\a or \\share\a\b folder does not have access privileges.
12342 00827204 On computers that use the Japanese and Chinese versions of operating systems, an error no longer occurs when you try to return a tab to the first web page it opened by using the Go back action of the Browser package and deselect the Throw an error if step exceeds history option.
12342 00777283, 00829912 When you use the Open action of the Excel advanced package to open a Microsoft Excel worksheet, use the Replace action of the Excel advanced package to replace a string in the worksheet, and then run the bot, the bot now runs as expected and is not stuck even if the string to be replaced is not present in the Excel worksheet.
12342 00835312 An error no longer occurs when you create a shortcut to a folder by using the Open program/file action of the Application package to open a file and then using the Create shortcut action of the Folder package.
12342 00757943, 00787404, 00788421, 00807528, 00822941, 01018972 You can now use the AI Sense action in a parent bot and the OCR action in a child bot, or both actions together, to successfully run your bot. Previously, this caused an ABBYY FineReader Engine 12 error.
12342 01212753, 01470071 When the current session of an application on Citrix is closed and the application is restarted, the Recorder now identifies the object and successfully performs the correct action. Previously, the Recorder failed to identify the object.
12342 00742936, 00808117 You can now convert a datetime value by specifying custom datetime formats (for example, hh:mm:ss). Previously, an error occurred when you used the hh convention to specify a custom datetime format.
12342 01266752 When you use the 6.2.0-20210903-141520 version of the Excel advanced package to run a macro on a Microsoft Excel worksheet, the values in the referenced cells in the Excel worksheet are now updated correctly.
12342 01755439 An error no longer occurs when you use the 2.5.3-20220304-010651 version of the Recorder package to capture an object. Previously, when you used the 2.4.0-20211118-080716 version of the Recorder package, the bot failed with the following error message: The bot could not be executed due to an error in setting up the execution environment
12342 01276429 After migration, you can now call a reusable bot with the new package version from the same parent bot with which it shared a session. You can do this by inserting a session variable initialized with a value to a key in the dictionary with the Dictionary > Put action.
12342 00805417, 00815023, 01049408 You can now use the Recorder to successfully run keystrokes and capture objects on a new tab opened in the Google Chrome browser.
12342 -- In the Browser > Open action, when you select the Last used browser tab preset for the Internet Explorer window under the Existing tab option, the corresponding tab and window are now activated.
12342 01755590 In Automation Workspace, when you navigate to Automation > Bot Store and log in, you can now access the Bot Store without issues.
12342 -- When you add or remove a consumer role from the locker, role values are no longer changed when you sort the table. Previously, the values in the Modified By and Last Modified columns were inadvertently modified.
12342 01272058, 01752731 You can now pause or stop your in-progress workload automations and the Internal server error no longer occurs.

Previously, the workload automation could not be paused or stopped after the user who created the automation was deleted from the Control Room.

12342 01181402, 01260706 When you run your workload automations, you no longer have to pause and then resume to run the queued bots that are stuck in the In progress state.
12342 00790086 The incorrect Japanese translation for schedule description of the daily and monthly frequency fields for the Run repeatedly option (Manage > Schedules > Schedule a bot) is now fixed. The correct Japanese description is now available on the Schedule a bot page.
12342 00852637 When you edit a bot schedule in the Control Room, the schedule column on the Scheduled page now displays the correct schedule date instead of the previous day. Previously, for example, if a bot was scheduled for 01-Oct-2021, the Scheduled page displayed the schedule date incorrectly as 30-Sep-2021.
12342 00821057, 01188160 If a file is exported after the bot name and folder path are changed, the bot name now reflects the new name. Previously, the bot was exported with the old name.
12342 01252294 You can now successfully import the zip files in the Zip64 format from the development environment to the production environment.
12342 -- You can now run multiple queues without any delay in between queues. Previously, when you ran multiple queues, a delay of 5 to 15 minutes sometimes occurred between queues.
12342 00800831, 00815411, 00826054, 00826058 When you use the Export checked items to csv option, the schedule data in a .csv file is now saved correctly. Previously, when you exported the schedule data to a csv file from the Control Room Scheduled activity page, the file data was saved incorrectly. For example, the schedule type was saved as Recurring in the csv file instead of One time.
12342 01754721, 01753460, 01767806 01759361, 01763327, 01764201, 01767827, 1770574 If the system locale setting is changed, the weekly scheduled bots now run as scheduled from the Control Room. Previously, when the system locale setting was changed, the bots did not run according to schedule.
12342 00714546, 00759029, 01257992 The Control Room can now integrate a Git repository that rejects force push. Previously, some security protocols rejected all force push updates making the git integration incompatible without a configuration for the force push flag. You can now change the configuration of the Git push from the Control Room to disable the force push flag.
The following table lists the limitations identified in the current release:
(Service Cloud case ID: 01765712) If a MetaBot Logic was using a DLL file that used classes without namespaces, after migration, any Task Bot that uses the MetaBot Logic does not work.

Workaround: Manually update the DLL file to include namespaces for classes.

If you created the Active Directory role mapping in previous releases, when you update to Automation 360 v.24, some previously defined group mappings are deleted because the Distinguished Name (DN) column of the mapping entries in the database contains empty rows, with no values. Before you update to Automation 360 v.24, run a script to populate the DN column. (Service Cloud case ID: 00751756)

For support on this issue, contact the support team: Open a support case (A-People login required)

The Bot Insight premigration utility encounters an error and closes when it detects corrupted dashboard IDs in BI tables. (Service Cloud case ID: 00796546)

Workaround: Download and install the latest Bot Insight premigration utility from the Automation Anywhere Support site.

When you build bots by using drag actions from the Actions palette, the bot workflow shifts to the right side in the Flow view.
  • When you create or edit a bot in the Bot editor, add new actions from the Actions palette by double-clicking the action that you want to use.

    For example, if you are editing a bot and you want to add an action after line 7, place the insertion point after line 7, and then, from the Actions palette, double-click the action that you want to add.

  • If you want to use the drag option, ensure that when you drag the actions, you move them a little faster on the canvas.
(Service Cloud case ID: 01798098) When you update Automation 360 from a previous release to this release on a Windows machine, you might see the following error message about an invalid digital signature:
Error 1330: A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file
        E:\AA\....\ has an invalid digital signature.

Workaround: A360.24 Installation Failure "Error 1330 Invalid Digital Signature" (A-People login required)

If the Automatically update all bot agents option is selected and if you update to this release, some Bot Agent might fail to automatically update to the latest version.
  1. Manually uninstall the existing version of the Bot Agent.
  2. Install the latest version of the Bot Agent.
When you migrate Enterprise 11 bots with the Comment command enabled, the command is disabled after migration. (Service Cloud case ID 01255723, 01252824, 01260677, 01608653)
When you log in as an administrator after migration and then start a bot migration, the Audit Logs pane intermittently displays an unsuccessful message with a Bot Launcher has crashed error.
When you migrate bots with system variables (such as date, month, or year) as an Export Data to CSV option, a preprocessing error is displayed. (Service Cloud case ID 01755175)
When you update your Control Room from Automation 360 v.21 or v.22 to Automation 360 v.23 or v.24, the installation might fail because of schedule migration issues. (Service Cloud case ID: 01376353, 01449535, 01713118, 01627144, 01762404)

Workaround: Open a support case (A-People login required).

Administrators can export data, up to 100,000 entries, to a CSV file. Downloaded audit .csv files are stored in the C:\Windows\TEMP\ folder in the On-Premises environment temporarily. Files in this folder with names starting with cr-audit should not be deleted for at least 90 days and can be downloaded from the Control Room.

See .Export audit data to CSV

When you autoupdate the Bot Agent simultaneously on 500 to 1000 devices in the Control Room (On-Premises), the autoupdate fails.

Workaround: Manually update the Bot Agent on a few devices at a time from the Control Room Devices page.

In browsers such as Microsoft Edge (Chromium) and Mozilla Firefox, when the Bot Agent installer file is downloaded, the download information is shown at the top-right corner although the download arrow points to the bottom-left corner of the browser's taskbar.

The download arrow points to the correct direction only for the Google Chrome browser, in which the download information is shown at the bottom-left corner of the browser's taskbar.

For a Control Room installed on Linux operating system, the AutomationAnywhereBotAgent.msi file is not available for download with the Download installer option from the Control Room > Administration > Settings page.

Workaround: To install the Bot Agent, use the AutomationAnywhereBotAgent.msi file from the <application filepath>\crui\asset folder of a Control Room (On-Premises) installed on Windows operating system. For more information, see Sample steps to create Bot Agent golden image (A-People login required).

In the Email package, when you use the HTML design option to create and customize your email layout and body and then paste content copied from another source, such as Outlook or Notepad++, the font style, size, and color are currently not retained for the following actions:
  • Send
  • Reply
  • Forward
When you create a bot using actions such as Send, Reply, or Forward from the Email package, choose an option from Plain text, HTML design, or HTML code to format your email body. When you switch between these tabs (Plain text, HTML design, or HTML code), the previously set value in the message body is not retained, and the message body is blank.
  • Nested IFrames are not supported in the Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Chromium browsers.
  • Support to capture window authentication pop-ups is not available when automating Google Chrome browser.
  • After performing an action in an application or page, if a frame is added at run time to the application or page, and if any pop-up windows, alert dialog boxes, confirmation dialog boxes, or prompt dialog boxes appear on that frame, then the pop-up windows and dialog boxes are not captured.

    Workaround: Use the actions in the Image recognition package or the Mouse > Click action instead to run the bot.

On computers where SystemLocale is set to a non-English language, when you open multiple tabs in a browser, try to execute any action on a new tab that is currently inactive, and run the bot, the inactive new tab does not become activated.
In Internet Explorer, to activate one among multiple web pages with no titles, only the fully qualified domain names (FQDN) are compared. If pages that have no titles but have the same FQDN are opened in Internet Explorer, any tab that matches the FQDN is activated.
In Internet Explorer, when you use the Close action to close a tab or a window, it is closed only if it does not have an alert dialog box.
Note: An Internet Explorer tab or window with an alert dialog box is closed only when the alert dialog box is closed manually.
When you use the Open action of the Excel advanced package to open files with .xlsm extension that have charts, the bot fails with an error.

Workaround: Provide the Excel sheet name in the Specific sheet name field and then run the bot. If there are any hidden sheets, unhide the specific sheet and make it as the active sheet.

When you automate web applications running on Microsoft Edge Chromium with IE mode or Internet Explorer, the Recorder sometimes fails to capture the object from the currently selected browser tab and captures from the last used tab instead.

Workaround: Refresh the Bot editor and then start recording again.

When you use the Recorder to capture an object, select HTML Tag, HTML InnerText, and HTML type properties in Search Criteria, or migrate a bot with similar properties selected in Search Criteria, the bot might fail to identify or locate the object and perform the selected action.

Workaround: Modify the DomXpath according to the controls you capture or add more properties in Search Criteria.

When you use the Datetime package released with Automation 360 v.23 or earlier to create a bot that uses the Datetime Assign action, then select the variable option to add the variable value and try to run the bot with package released with Automation 360 v.24 or later, the UI shows a compilation error, and the user must select the variable value again.
In the Recorder package, the Run in background option that enables an automation to run in the background is not supported for applications running on Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox browsers for any of the Recorder actions.
The following table lists limitations from previous releases that are also applicable to this release:
Limitations from previous releases
When you migrate a bot that was using the Manage Window Controls action, the last digit of the height value is not available after migration. However, the bot will execute successfully. (Service Cloud Case ID: 01756996)
When an Excel session is active in SAP, a corresponding Excel process starts in the background. In such a scenario, Automation 360 uses the same Excel process that SAP started. When you run a bot to automate spreadsheet data, Automation 360 processes the first request successfully. However, during execution, if the Excel is closed and a subsequent request is sent for automating the spreadsheet data, Automation 360 does not process the request because the Excel process is still being accessed by SAP. Therefore, the correct window is not activated for automating the spreadsheet data. (Service Cloud Case ID: 00815159)
If you are directly updating from Automation 360 On-Premises v.21 to this release, you might face issues updating your Bot Agent on some Bot Runner machines in the following scenarios:
  • After a Control Room update, the device status keeps changing and the Bot Agent fails to update automatically.
  • If the embedded resources file is missing, the Recorder does not recognize the user interface elements or does not capture a single object in the Google Chrome browser.

Workaround: Before updating to this release, remove the following Bot Agent files and folders:

  • C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\AutomationAnywhere\
  • C:\ProgramData\AutomationAnywhere\GlobalCache\embedded-resources

For more information, see Bot agent auto update fails post the Control Room Upgrade with 'device.connection.lost' (A-People login required) | The recorder is not able to recognize the GUI elements in Google Chrome browser (A-People login required)

When you use the Terminal Emulator command with the Send Text action that contains the LF key (Enter), the command might fail if the LF key is not supported by theTerminal Emulator.

Workaround: Ensure that you replace the LF key with supported characters such as the space character.

After migration, a user is able to delete an .atmx file even when the file is associated with a schedule from the Automation 360 Control Room.
If you configure an external key vault in External Key Vault Integration and select the SQL authentication mode for database authentication in the Windows installer Database Server page to install Control Room (On-Premises), the installation fails, and the following error message is shown: Control Room database tables fail to create.

Workaround: Add the database credentials in the external key vault and use those credentials for database configuration.

Newly created Control Room users on Windows for On-Premises Google Cloud Platform VMs cannot change their password. The security questions option is not available on the Change password screen and as a result the Control Room displays an error when they try to save the password.

Workaround: Refresh the page and change the password again.

(Service Cloud case ID: 01768545) Update status stuck as IN_PROGRESS during migration from Enterprise 11 to Automation 360

When you migrate from Enterprise 11 to Automation 360, even if bot migration is successful, Bot Insight does not update the status to the Control Room. Until version 11.3.2, the analytical flag was historically enabled by default, so all created bots are identified as analytical bots. Some bots identified as analytical bots have no processed data available to the Bot Insight dashboard. As a result, the migration status becomes stuck as IN_PROGRESS even if bot migration is successful.

When you try to automate any process in a Java application that uses version 11.0.8 of AdoptOpenJDK, the Recorder sometimes does not capture the drop-down elements on the application.

Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users (Automation Co-Pilot)

What's new
Microsoft Edge Chromium and Safari supported for Automation Co-Pilot

You can now create forms and processes in the Automation Workspace and run your requests, tasks, and bots in the web interface on Microsoft Edge Chromium and Safari browsers.

Browser requirements for Automation Workspace

Create password fields and hide sensitive information (Service Cloud case ID: 00714159, 01063512)

In the Automation Workspace, you can now create password fields by using the Password element in your form builder. You can use the Password element in the web interface to add masked text to your password fields in the initial forms to hide sensitive information.

Process Composer | Password element behavior

Configure a scheduler user for each team

You can now access the Process page in the web interface to edit a process and assign a scheduler user for each team. This ensures that the bots in the process are deployed on the devices assigned to a team and that these devices are not used by another team. The Team scheduler user is set by default, but if a scheduler user is undefined, then the Process scheduler user is selected. The Global scheduler user will be selected only if the Team or Process scheduler users are not selected.

Assign a scheduler user to a process

Configure scheduler deployment type (Service Cloud case ID: 00814885, 01276257)

You can now configure the scheduler deployment type for bot tasks in your process setup and determine how the bots in the process will be deployed. You can define the mapping between run-as user and the device that helps take care of constraints, such as credential constraints that require one-to-one mapping between the run-as user and the device.

Configure deployment type for bots

Reference ID enhancement to requests

You can now view the reference ID associated with your process in the Reference column of the Requests page. The reference ID is a combination of a prefix and a number that is created from a Process Key that you can enter when you edit your process for the first time. This reference ID is incremented whenever a request is created from the corresponding process.

Reference ID properties | Configure a process

Request retention settings

When you edit a process, you now have the option to set when your completed requests are moved from the Requests page to the Recycle bin. With this feature, you can avoid manually moving completed requests individually to the Recycle bin. You can choose to disable the settings to move completed requests to the Recycle bin. You can also set the number of days after which requests are deleted from the Recycle bin.

Configure a process

Default team assigned to process

You can now edit a process to display the default team that the process is assigned to in the Default team field. The first team that a process is assigned to is automatically set as the default team. With this feature, you can view the default team that a process is assigned to without viewing each individual team.

Configure a process

View status of queued bots

You can now view the status of your bots that are queued and are not actively running. The request view page now shows the In Queued label next to your queued bots that are not active.

Cancelled status for tasks

You can now filter tasks by the Cancelled status in the Tasks page. This status will show a Cancelled label next to the filtered results to inform you of the tasks that were cancelled by a user. You can filter by this status from the drop-down menu in the status bar.

Filter and search for a task

Fill initial form elements by URL parameters

When you create a request, you can now fill initial form elements by creating query scripts that enter specific parameters in the initial form URL. These parameters are applicable only for Date, Number, Text Box, and Time elements.

Construct URL parameters for supported elements

Storage service enhancement (Service Cloud case ID: 00768394)

As a tenant admin, you can now set a configuration option to block upload of executable files to prevent a security breach. You can block the upload of files with the following extensions: .acm, .ax, .cpl, .dll, .drv, .efi, .exe, .mui, .ocx, .scr, .sys, and .tsp.

Run virtual window in bot configuration

If you are an Automation Co-Pilot Admin, you can configure bots in the Bots page and enable the Run your bot in virtual window option. With this option, an attended user in Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant can run bots in a virtual window without losing their user experience.

Configure a bot

Add rules to Button element

You can now add rules to the Button element.

Using the Button element

Customize text in forms using updates to Label element

You can now customize the text in your forms in various ways, such as applying bold, italic, underline, and other formatting effects, changing the font size and color, and so on, by using the Label element. With these options, you can highlight specific messages or texts, such as next steps, warnings, or errors, when they are rendered in the initial form in the web interface.

The Label element now provides the following formatting options:
  • Emphasis
  • Font color
  • Font size
  • Text alignment

Using the Label element

Search and filter columns in a table

On the form builder screen, if you select the Enable column filtering check box for the Table element, users can search and filter the content for all the available columns when the bot is running.

When you use the Table element to render a table in your initial forms, you now have the enhanced ability to search each column of your table by value.

Using the Table element

Additional options for rules
With additional options included for rules in the form builder, you can now perform the following:
  • Find a rule but using the search bar. In the search bar, enter the name of the rule or the element label that is associated with any condition or action in the rule.
  • Create a copy of a rule by using the Duplicate rule option.
  • For multiple rules, you can use the following options to rearrange the order in which these rules are executed at bot run time:
    • Move up
    • Move down
    • Move to top
    • Move to bottom

Conditional actions, rules, and elements

Apply an action to multiple elements

If you are adding or editing a rule, when you are adding an action, you can now apply an action to more than one element by selecting multiple elements in the Then menu.

Additional If conditions for some elements
When you are creating or editing a rule, you can now select additional If conditions for the following elements:
  • Dropdown
  • Checkbox
  • Radio Button
  • Date
  • Time
  • Hyperlink
Use Assign for updating the value of the Dropdown element

When you are adding a rule, if you select the Dropdown element as an action item from the Then menu, you can now use the Assign drop-down menu to append or overwrite values when the bot is running.

Conditional actions, rules, and elements

Elements in If condition are available in Then action

All the elements that are used as part of the If condition are now available as part of Then action.

Multiple lines supported for Text Area and Rich Text Editor

Text across multiple lines is now supported for Text Area and Rich Text Editor elements within If and Then options.

Conditional actions, rules, and elements

What's changed
Enhancements to importing process to public folder

When you import your process to a public folder, the process is now automatically published in Automation Co-Pilot. Previously, you were required to check in the imported processes in the private repository and then check in the process again for it to be published in Automation Co-Pilot.

Import a process automation | Import process automation dependencies

Process page layout updated

The layout of the Process page has now been updated to be consistent with the Bot and Team pages. The changes include columns for reference ID, key, name, description, tags, and teams. You can now filter your results in the search bar for faster sort and quickly reference the current global scheduler user on the page.

Active bot status

In the request view page, you can now view the exact status of your bots by referring to the In Progress label next to your active bots that are currently running. Previously, the In Progress label showed both active bots and queued bots that were not running.

Reference to replace Request ID in Automation Co-Pilot on the web
  • You can now filter or query your requests in the Requests and Recycle bin tabs and tasks in the Tasks tab (Table View and Detail View) using the new Reference instead of the Request ID.
  • The Requests, Team, Process, and Bots URL is now changed to entity/ref/:ref from entity/:id. If you open any request using Request ID, the URL now redirects using Reference. For example, consider the Request ID as 896 and Reference as 2-34 for a request. If you view the request using the Request ID (/aari/#/requests/all#/requests/896), the URL will redirect using the Reference (/aari/#/requests/all#/requests/ref/2-34).

Reference is a unique key that helps you identify your related processes and requests in the Requests, Team, Process, and Bot pages. Reference is easier to use and more meaningful than Request ID as it provides a logical sequence of referential number incremented per tenant. Reference is unique within a tenant, but it can be the same for two tenants.

Reference ID properties

The following table lists fixes alongside the build in which each issue was fixed. Build 12350 is the latest build and includes fixes from the previous builds.

Build Service Cloud case ID Description
12350 01788376 You can now launch Automation Co-Pilot using the Bot Agent (version 21.133) connection without errors.
12350 01803979 If you have Control Room configured with SAML and you click the Automation Co-Pilot icon on the Windows Desktop, you are now redirected to the Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant web page instead of the Control Room home page.
12342 01759135 When you use the Date element and select the Use the local system date when this form is loaded option, the date is now correctly displayed, with the local system date.
12342 01766579

If you are a Bot Creator, after creating a request using your Automation Co-Pilot process, you can now submit the initial form and complete tasks without being stuck on the request view page.

12342 --

For Automation Workspace with SDS setup, when you enter data or upload files in your initial forms after selecting a process to run the request, you no longer encounter an exception error message.

12342 -- When you use the Checkbox element to create a CheckBoxGroup in your form and set form rules and conditions for each box in this group (C1, C2, C3, and so on), the selections now function properly in the initial form as defined your form rules.
12342 -- If you are a Bot Creator and an Automation Co-Pilot manager, you no longer encounter an error when you run a bot by using the Team Members action from the Process Composer package to access teams.
12342 --

If you are a member of a team by role (that is, if you were first added to a role in the Control Room and the role was then synced to a team), you will now be able to view updated information for your requests and tasks. The page now automatically refreshes the latest request and task details.

12342 -- In the web interface, when tasks are completed in the request view, and you confirm by clicking Finish, Cancel, or any other primary or secondary option, these types of events are now captured in the Audit log history in Automation Workspace, as an Automation Co-Pilot Human Task type of event.
12342 -- In Linux environment, you can now use the file upload functionality of Automation Co-Pilot on the web without any issues. Previously, the file upload functionality failed with an access denied error because the filestorage directory was not automatically created to store the files.
12342 -- The Edit button no longer appears enabled for processes that are checked in, checked out, or cloned. Previously, you could edit the names of processes that were checked in, checked out, or cloned although the changes were not saved.
12342 -- For any element in a form, if you use the Mark field uneditable option on the form builder or disable it when you run the associated bot, form validations applied to that element are overruled.

In some scenarios, when you launch a bot that was configured to run in a virtual window, the virtual window starts and you are prompted to log into the window with your credentials.

Workaround: Reboot your system and launch the bot again.

When you a design a form, you can create references for hidden elements by using the Hidden elements option from the form properties. However, after you have designed the form, you cannot view or change the variables among hidden elements.
After you design a form with a drop-down rule assigned to your form, if you view the drop-down in read-only mode, you will not be able to view the changed data in read-only mode.
If you have Select file element in the form, then you cannot upload a file that has special characters (such as , ( ) & ; - =) in the filename when you run the bot.
In the web interface, when you are on a page other than the main page and your login session disconnects and returns you to the login page again, the next= parameter is shown in the URL indefinitely. This can be an issue as the next= parameter is used to redirect the URL to a previous page but is currently not supported.
For the Text Box element, the Does not contain form rule is not working.
For the Rich Text Editor element, the Contains form rule is not working.
For the Table element, the Rows before scrolling option can support only up to four rows. If you specify five or more rows, this option is not supported and you must scroll instead.

If you create a form with the Document and Dropdown elements, when you attempt to submit this form, an error occurs. This error is due to the dynamic form schema, such as a drop-down field filled by a process that is present in the form with the document field and causes an error.

Discovery Bot

What's new
Save the recording with a name

After recording a process, you can now save the recording with a name. The name of the recording is displayed on the Recordings page for that process.

Record a Discovery Bot business process
Share a description of the recording

You can now provide a description for a recording of a process by using the Recordings page for that process. In the Recordings page, use the Description field to share the context and the purpose of the recording with the analyst. The description provided is also displayed in the PDD.

Record a Discovery Bot business process
Delete a recording

After you record a process, if you do not want to submit the recording data to an analyst for review, you can delete the recording by using the Recordings page for that process. In the Recordings page, use the Delete option to delete the recording.

Record a Discovery Bot business process
Record business processes using Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant

You can now use Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant to record business processes without signing in to the Control Room. To record a business process, start Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant by double-clicking the Automation Co-Pilot icon on your desktop.

Record a Discovery Bot process using Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant
Enhancements to custom opportunities

You can now update the potential cost and savings for custom opportunities and save your changes to the process diagram. The potential cost and potential savings can be updated at any time as you review the steps from various recordings and make changes within the process diagram.

Review opportunities, convert to bot, and generate PDD
Enhancement to PDD

You can now view the entire process diagram from within Discovery Bot by clicking the URL link provided in the PDD. The PDD does not display the process diagram if more than 100 steps are selected.

Review opportunities, convert to bot, and generate PDD
What's changed
The process discovery document (PDD) now displays Chinese Unicode characters in both Word format and PDF.
Service Cloud case ID Description

Cloud users: When you capture more than 250 steps, you can now create a customized opportunity for automation and generate a PDD.


You can now download a PDD for custom opportunities and recordings without any issue. Previously, an error occurred intermittently and the following error message was displayed: Error generating PDD


An error message is now displayed when you cannot connect to the Control Room. For example, this occurs when a signed or wildcard certificate is used for the Control Room setup for On-Premises deployments and you have not pre-installed the certificate. The Processes page fails to load. Follow the instructions in the message to connect to the Control Room.


Cloud users: You can now download a PDD for an automation opportunity with 200 or more steps. Previously, when you created an opportunity with 200 or more steps, clicking Download PDD returned an error.


For autogenerated and custom opportunities, the Recordings table now works as expected. Previously, it encountered an error intermittently.


When you search for the Recorder package in the Japanese UI, you can now view the correct package name for the Recorder.

The following table lists the limitations identified in the current release:

In rare situations when a device CPU is busy, the recording screenshot might not be captured from the Recordings page for a process. However, user actions, such as text selection, are displayed on the Recordings page.

The following table lists limitations from previous releases that are also applicable to this release:
Limitations from previous releases

When you add branches to the left and right sides of a main branch, the Recording flow chart section of the PDD might not capture the entire process workflow, including all the branches.

Depending on the memory available in your system, the PDD (in PDF or Microsoft Word format) can support up to 250 recorded steps captured in the document. If a process is recorded with more than 250 steps, the PDD generation periodically stops functioning.

Workaround: Regenerate the PDD and click Download.

Feature deprecation for Discovery Bot

Review the deprecated feature to understand how it can impact your automation.
Discovery Bot red highlight

In the recording session, the red outline that highlights when you move the mouse over the area to capture the action has been deprecated as of June 2021. The red outline is displayed in the screenshot images when you review your captured steps from the Recordings page.

IQ Bot

What's new

Document Automation limited availability release

A select group of early adopters can now use Document Automation to automate processing business documents in the new Automation Anywhere Cloud-native intelligent document processing solution.

Document Automation is integrated into the Control Room. When you create a learning instance, IQ Bot automatically creates RPA bots to extract and download the data and an Automation Co-Pilot process to manage the entire process. Learning instances do not require training. Instead, Document Automation uses pre-trained models to process invoices and receipts.

Document Automation | Intelligent document processing solutions - feature comparison matrix

Total number of pages uploaded for Process Documents action

In Automation 360 IQ Bot, when you use the Process documents action from the IQ Bot Extraction package to process documents, you can now view the total number of pages uploaded displayed under Dashboards > My totals

Using IQ Bot Process documents action

Role-based access control (RBAC) available
Automation 360 IQ Bot now offers role-based access control (RBAC). You can use RBAC to handle the following user permissions:
  • Edit learning instance
  • Delete learning instance
  • Send learning instance to production
  • Import domain

Defining a custom role for IQ Bot

Rotate encryption key as AAE_IQ Bot Admin

With the AAE_IQ Bot Admin role, you can now rotate the encryption key by changing the object name in the new Administration > Key rotation page.

New model for Cognitive MLWeb Service

In On-Premises installations of Automation 360 IQ Bot, you can now achieve improved check box and table detection when you use the new model of the Cognitive MLWeb Service.

What's changed
For on-premises installations of IQ Bot, the MLScheduler Service in the Microsoft Windows services window is now disabled, by default, to free up system resources.
Service Cloud case ID Description
00764550, 00765854 When you migrate from Enterprise 11 to Automation 360, any learning instance with custom domain that has Chinese language fields is now displayed correctly. Previously, these fields were populated with incorrect values in place of Chinese characters.
00758208, 00632965, 00727063, 00715124, 00828988, 01251514 The MLScheduler service is now disabled on IQ Bot On-Premises, and the system no longer slows down or stops responding. Previously, the autocorrection and autosuggestion features, which are part of the MLScheduler service, used system resources extensively and caused the system to slow down or stop responding.
01757917 Documents are now successfully classified using Microsoft Azure 3.2 OCR. Previously, due to deprecation of the Microsoft Azure preview OCR v3.2-preview.2, the documents remained unclassified.
-- Documents extracted using the Auto Extract command are now successfully processed. Previously, when documents were extracted using the Auto Extract command, validations from the default validation group were not applied to them.
01261531 When you create a learning instance and use the IQ Bot upload command, the display is now stable, without any issues. Previously, this caused resizing and toggling between larger and smaller fonts, making the display flicker.
-- To manually create a group, you require only the IQBot_admin role now. Previously, to manually create a group, you required both the aae_basic and IQBot_admin roles.
-- In the IQ Bot UI, for groups that were created manually, you can now see the Group label in its entirety. Previously, you could see only a part of the Group label.
-- Documents whose file names begin with a special character, such as a hyphen (-), are now properly classified and processed. Previously, such documents were held up in the classification queue or remained unprocessed.
01063054 You can now import a learning instance that has a lengthy name, with more than 50 characters, without any errors because the Label field now supports more than 50 characters.
-- For a standard forms learning instance, if you upload a document that contains a table with an empty cell, the document is now sent to IQ Bot Validator. Previously, documents with empty table cells were sent to the Failed folder.
-- An error no longer occurs when you run a bot that contains actions from IQ Bot Pre-processor, Document Classifier and OCR packages. Previously, in such cases, an 'Assertion failed' error occurred.
01777853 You can now create standard forms learning instances using pretrained models that have long field names (up to 250 characters). Previously, pretrained models that had lengthy field names caused an error.
When you upload vector PDF documents to a new learning instance, a few documents are identified as unclassified. Alternatively, if you convert the documents from PDF to TIFF and upload them, the documents are processed successfully.
When you are running IQ Bot using service account credentials, if the password contains a space, IQ Bot logs will not be updated.
In some cases, even if the correct number or amount is accurately reflected, some documents still fail the validation rule because of a round-off error and are sent for manual validation.
In formulas, if you use delimiters, such as commas or periods as thousand separators, formula validation fails.
  • For English language: Remove all delimiters, such as commas used as thousand separator.
  • For other European languages: Remove all delimiters, such as periods used as thousand separator. Use the English number convention for formula validations.
If you use the ABBYY FineReader Engine version 12.4 instead of version 12.2, the MICR feature does not support data extraction from documents in Japanese language.
After you back up the databases and run the DB Migration Assistant tool, the tool and the logs indicate that migration is successfully completed even if the unified database is not created.

Workaround: Ensure that you install both the x86 and x64 versions of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable package.

Bot Insight

What's changed

startDateTime data now in standard format

When you export data to Microsoft Excel, the date format will be exported based on the date format of the widget.

Service Cloud case ID Description
-- Now when you are using a proxy network, when you click Analyze, the network dashboard generates an analysis. Previously, this dashboard did not generate an analysis.
-- When you run a bot that was checked in to a public folder and then checked out into a private folder, the last refreshed date is now displayed accurately. Previously, the last refreshed date was displayed as invalid.
01252869, 01259449 The Business Dashboard is now visible to users assigned the BI Admin Role and BI User License. Previously, users with this role and license were not able to access this dashboard.

Cannot drill down for data used in group by duration

When Group By is selected as duration (time/date) in the widget, the drill down is applicable only to a single level. If you try to drill down for data at the second level or further, you might encounter the following error: No data found.

(Service Cloud case ID: 00777595) When you attempt to refresh the data in a Microsoft Excel worksheet, an authentication error can occur from multiple simultaneous attempts through open windows and tabs.
  1. In the Power BI desktop application, navigate to File > Options and settings > Options.
  2. From the Current File section, select Data Load.
    Note: Do not select Data Load from the Global section.
  3. Disable the check box Enable parallel loading of tables.