Configure Observer activity
- Updated: 2023/04/24
As an administrator, you can configure an individual Observer or a group of Observers to capture or exclude specific sets of data from collection on an Observers machine. This topic describes how to enable or disable the capture settings (screenshots, keystrokes, title, and keyboard) and apply this to specific applications.
After the Process Discovery Sensor is installed on the Observers'
machines, ensure that you:
- Enable the sensor recording. For more information on enabling or disabling the recording, refer to Enable and disable the users recording.
- Create your domain and application list. For more information, see Create a URL and application list.
Note: To enable or disable the recordings for new observers in
a tenant, click your account initials in the upper-right corner and select
Manage Account. In the New Observer Recording
section, select Enable or Disable
to set the recording configuration for all new observers. Click
Save to save your changes.