Run a bot

After you have created bot, you can run it to test an automated process.

The Run wizard in the Automation page contains the following options:
  • Run now

    This topic provides the details on using the various options available in the Run now wizard to run an available bot.

  • Schedule

    After you have created a bot, you can specify a date and time to run it. For more information, see Schedule a bot.

  • Run with queue

    All the work items available across various Bot Runners can be processed collectively through a single or multiple device pools. For more information, see Using the Run with queue.

  • Run with event triggers

    If you have added any predefined action or event to a bot, use this wizard to associate a specific user or role with this bot. For more information, see Adding event triggers.


  1. Log in to the Control Room.
  2. On the left pane in the Public workspace, click Automation.
    A list of available bots and forms is displayed.
  3. Select the bot to run.
    Hover over the actions menu (vertical ellipses) located to the right of the bot name and click Run Task Bot.

    If an optional Bot Agent update for your device is available, the following message that Bot Agent has an update is displayed one time per user session or when you log out and log in to the Control Room.
    Bot Agent optional update dialog box
    • To download and update the Bot Agent to the latest version on your device, use the Click here link.
    • To opt out of the update and continue with the existing Bot Agent version on your device, click Continue without update.
  4. In the Automation and dependencies tab, select the version of the bot to run.
    • (Optional) Click the Choose button in the Automation file field to select a different bot.
    • In the Run automation and dependencies using field, select one of the following options:
      • Latest version: To select the most recent version of the bot.

        By default, the latest version of the bot is selected. If the production label option is selected for the parent bot, the corresponding dependent bots with the production label are also automatically selected. If any of the dependent bots do not have the production label applied, the latest version of the bot is selected.

      • Production label: To run the selected bot and its dependencies using any of the available production labels.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Run-as users tab, select the Bot Runner users from the list of Available run-as users.

    The list of Bot Runner users that you have access to are displayed.

  7. Click Next.
  8. In the Device pools tab, select the pool from the list of Available device pools.
    The list of device pools for which you have a consumer role are displayed. Select the device pool only if any of the selected Bot Runner users do not have a bot running (default) device.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Optional: Use the Resiliency settings tab to change the following options:
    • In the Pop-up handling field, clear the Ignore unexpected pop-ups check box if you do not want to avoid any pop-ups during the bot runtime.

      This option is enabled by default. If you disable this option, any unexpected pop-ups that occur during the bot run can impact the automation or delay the runtime.

    • In the Bot execution recording field, change the following options:
      • Store bot execution recording: Clear this check box if you want to prevent the bot execution from being recorded.
      • Recording preferences: If you have opted to record automations, you can further select one of the following options for recording bot executions:
        • Only failed executions: Recording will be stored only when the automation execution fails.
        • All bot executions: Recording is stored irrespective of whether the execution is successful or failed.
      Note: Functionality to record automation execution requires the Enterprise Platform license. Contact your Automation Anywhere account representative for more information about this license.
  11. Optional: Use the General tab to change the default settings for the following options:
    • Name: Edit or rename the bot.
    • Automation priority: Click the drop-down menu to set the automation priority.

      While Medium is the default automation priority, you can change it so that automations are processed for deployment accordingly.

    • Clear the Hide bot run window check box.

      This option is enabled by default and hides the bot run progress window from view. If you disable this functionality, progress window is displayed when the bot starts.

  12. Click Run now.
    Note: If you have not set the device credentials from the My settings page, you are prompted to provide the device credentials to run the bot.