As an Automation Anywhere Control Room administrator, edit the Active Directory security group mappings assigned to roles in the Control Room.


Ensure that you are logged in to the Control Room as the administrator.

Ensure that the mapping name is unique and cannot be duplicated. If you rename a map with an existing mapping name, an error message appears stating that the same name already exists. Changes to mapping name or roles are updated in the audit log.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Roles.
  2. Click Active Directory Role Mapping.
  3. Hover over the Actions icon for the role and select Edit role mapping.
  4. Supply any required changes for Role Mapping.
    Edit the roles by either adding or removing roles from the Available roles list, except Bot Insight roles. If you assign Bot Insight roles, an error message appears stating that the role mapping cannot be updated as it contains unsupported roles.
    Note: You cannot edit the rest of the fields. The process to update mappings and synchronize users starts at a previously defined interval or when you manually update the mappings.
  5. Click Save changes.
When the LDAP sync runs, all users with the assigned roles are updated.