Automatic package updates for Cloud Control Room

Configure the Cloud Control Room settings to get package updates from the Cloud automatically.


Ensure that you are logged in to the Control Room as the administrator.

When a new package or a new package version is released in the Cloud, the package version will automatically get installed on Control Room. This automatic installation of a new package version cannot be turned off by cloud users and can only control the status of the new package version after it is installed.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Settings > Packages.
  2. Edit the Packages option. The page opens in edit mode.
  3. Enable the settings to set the status of the new package.
    • Enable and set as default: Select this option to automatically set the new version of a package as the default version.
    • Enable: Uploads and enables the package, but the package is not set as the default package. Bot Creators have to specifically select non-default packages to use them for creating bots.
    • Disable: Choose this option to automatically disable the new version of a package.
  4. Save the settings.