After you have recorded a task using the AISense Recorder, you can edit the recorded actions to perform various actions on the captured objects.

Edit a recorded task to do the following:
  • Change the application window in which you want to perform the operation, or add a wildcard to the window title.
  • Change the properties of the captured objects.
  • Specify the action you want to perform on the captured objects.
  • Introduce a delay before the next action is performed.
  • Specify the variable you want to use to store the output.
Important: Only the following types of objects are supported with AISense Recorder:
  • Text boxes
  • Check boxes
  • Combo boxes
  • Radio buttons
  • Buttons
  • Active text

    Active text is the text that you can click. For example, link, menu, text on a navigation pane, and so on. When there are duplicate active texts on the window, the AISense Recorder identifies and applies the action of the first occurrence of that active text on the window.

  • Passive text

    Passive text is the text that you can only read. It can be any text visible on the window that can be associated with a nearby static anchor text that is available during bot execution. When you select an area that has multiple lines, the AISense Recorder retrieves only the first line of the text from the area.

  • Image button

    An image button is a button that contains only image and does not have any text associated with it. For example, icons for delete, copy, cut, paste, and so on. You can capture image buttons that are hidden on the application screen and appear when you hover the mouse pointer over them.

  • Scroll on an application window and combo box


To edit a recorded task, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the bot that contains the recorded actions you want to edit.
  2. Click the Capture action that you want to edit.

Make the following changes, as necessary:

  1. Click the Window tab or the Variable tab to specify a different application window on which you want to perform the operation.
    If you have used the Window tab to specify the application window, you can use a wildcard character in the Window title field. The wildcard character is useful if the title of an application changes. For example, Sample* - Google Chrome.
    • During runtime, verify that the Task Bot identifies the correct window.
    • If you use scroll on an application window, you must click the Analyze window option to analyze the new objects on the window.
  2. Update the object properties.
    You can only update the value available in the Anchor field.
  3. Select an option from the Action list to specify the action you want to perform on the object.
    For a full list of possible actions by object, see Actions performed on objects captured with AISense Recorder.
  4. Optional: Enter a value in the Wait for control field to specify the number of seconds the bot must wait for the object control to appear on the application window.
    We recommend setting a delay time when using the Set text action to enter keystrokes into a text field.
  5. Optional: Assign the output to a variable.
    The Control Room suggests a descriptive default variable name based on the action that you selected previously. For example, if you selected Get text, the suggested output variable is CaptureText. If you create several output variables, subsequent variable names are suffixed with a hyphen and number to prevent duplication of variable names.
  6. Perform the Steps 2 through 7 for the other actions that you want to edit in the bot.
  7. Click Save.
Link nearby text to a supporting anchor
At run time, if the bot cannot reliably identify an object, link the object to nearby text that is easier for the bot to find:
  1. Open the Capture action.
  2. Click the Anchor tab.
  3. Click Capture anchor.

    The browser or application window activates with the main object highlighted (the object that you previously captured). A dialog box appears, verifying whether the action has correctly identified the main object.

  4. If the correct object is highlighted, click Yes, Select anchor.

    Otherwise, click No, I need to correct it to select the correct object.

  5. Select nearby text to the target object that is easier for the bot to find.

    The text is highlighted with an anchor icon to the right of the text.

  6. Click Save.