Bot Creators can create an output variable to display the output of a child process automation in the parent process automation.


After a Bot Creator has created a process automation in Process Composer, they can create an output variable that can be used in the end process.


  • To create an output variable:
    1. Navigate to the Output variables section.
    2. Click Show.
    3. Click the plus (+) icon.
      The Create variable dialog displays.
    4. Enter the name of the variable in the Name field (for example, output).
    5. Select your variable type in the Type field (for example, String).
    6. Optional: Enter the variable information in the Description field.
    7. Optional: Enter a default variable in the Default value field.
      You need to insert a variable:
      1. Select a source in the Variable source field (for example, botTask).
      2. Select Output as a Variable type option.
      3. Select a variable in the Variable field (for example, output).
      4. Click Yes, insert to confirm your changes.
    8. Click Create.
      You have now created a new output variable! This output variable is now included in the User-defined variables in the Output variables section.
  • To edit or delete an existing output variable:
    1. Navigate to the Output variables section.
    2. Select the three dots icon next the user-defined output variable (for example, output).
    3. Optional: Select the Delete variable to delete the current variable.
    4. Select the Edit variable to edit the current variable.
      The Edit variable window prompts you to add any new changes to your current variable.
    5. Click Apply to save your changes.