Select and deploy the version of a verified extension for Teams to access in Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension.

Select and deploy an extension version (called a mod) for teams to access in Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension. Mods package all customizations and return them to the web application as a single version. This provides developers access to make improvements on one version while users simultaneously run a verified version.

Use the management console in the Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension to deploy a mod and control the version of developed artifacts.

Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension offers a management console for development artifacts to provide version control. Select the version of an extension by choosing a mod from the console. Mods package all customizations and return them to the web application as a single version. This allows developers access to make improvements, while users run a verified version.

This task describes how to deploy a mod from the Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension management console to populate your widget and make it accessible.

  • Use a Google Chrome browser with a profile setup with Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension.
  • Ensure you have access to two Automation Co-Pilot users, one with the Automation Co-Pilot admin profile for set up and one with the Automation Co-Pilot user profile for testing.


  1. You can either:
    • Open a new browser window on your machine and log in to Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension as an Co-Pilot Admin; or
    • Open a new browser window on a different machine to easier manage active sessions.
    Tip: Use Chrome Profiles to manage multiple user profiles on the same machine. For each user profile created, the user must log into Automation Co-Pilot and install the Chrome extension into that Chrome profile. Then, each user must log in to the Chrome extension using their respective Automation Co-Pilot credentials. This management method:
    • Organizes profiles for Administrator, Developer, and end users for testing.
    • Optimizes managing multiple sessions when tasks are completed on the same device.
    To learn more about Chrome Profiles, see Google Chrome help
  2. Open the Console page by selecting Chrome > Extensions > PixieBrix.
  3. Click the Options button in the slide out panel that appears.
  4. If prompted to log in enter your Control Room URL and log in using the Co-Pilot Admin account.
    Note: To switch to a different user in the existing session, click Open Admin Console at the top right of the page. In the new tab, click the username and select Logout.
  5. When logged in as the Co-Pilot Admin, click Open Admin Console at the top right of the page.
  6. Select Deployments from the left navigation menu.
  7. Click + Create Deployment at the top right of the Deployments page.
  8. Enter the name of your deployment.
  9. Select the mod of the extension you previously created using the Develop an widget for Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension procedure. Develop a widget for Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension
  10. Click Create Deployment to save your settings to Automation Co-Pilot.
  11. In a new tab or window, navigate to Automation Co-Pilot and log in as an Co-Pilot Admin.
  12. Open the Extensions page by selecting Manage > Extensions from the left-hand navigation menu.
  13. Click + Add Extension on the top right of the page.
    Offers a view of the Add extension button.
    Your newly deployed extension displays in the table.
  14. Select the check box next to your deployed extension and then click Add & Save.
    You return to the Extension Setup page.
  15. From the Extension Setup page, select the deployment you added.
    Automation Co-Pilot navigates to the Properties page.
  16. To assign one or more teams, select the Teams tab at the top of the page.
  17. Click the + button on the bottom right to open the Teams dialog.
  18. Select the Teams for which to assign the extension.
  19. Click Add & Save to activate and deploy teams customization.

Next steps

Test the extension version (mod) to verify your updates in Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension.
Note: If using Chrome Profiles, switch to a user profile dedicated to an Co-Pilot User profile that belongs to this respective Team. Otherwise, follow the steps to log the user out of the Chrome extension and then log in with a user that already has an Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users license assigned and has been added to this respective Team.

As the user, navigate to your configured application (ex. Workday). After you access the page configured on the Trigger, the Sidebar panel should automatically display with the list of available automations for the user.