Reply All action

You can use the Reply all action in the Email package to send a response to the sender and include all the recipients of an email with the same or modified subject.


You use this action in a Loop action. This action does not include any files attached to the original email.

  1. Optional: In the Additional Cc and Bcc fields, enter the email address of any additional recipients. Use a comma to separate the multiple email IDs.
  2. Optional: Select the Exclude sender of the email check box to exclude the email sender from the email recipients while replying to it.
  3. Optional: In the Subject field, you can enter a new subject line or modify the existing subject while replying to the email.
  4. Optional: You can specify whether to attach multiple files as a list, or create a variable to contain the location of any attachments. Select the List or Variable tab from Attachment.
    Option Description
    • Select the attachment from a location:
      • Control Room file: Select an attachment from a folder.
      • Desktop profile: Select an attachment from your device.

        You can provide a combination of a static path or string variable. To use it as a string variable, copy the static path from your desktop and create a variable of type String. Enter the Variable name and paste the file path in the Default value field. Press F2 to insert the value of the filepath.

      • Variable: Specify the file variable that contains the location of the attachment.
    • Specify the path that you want to attach in the Value field. Click Add to attach multiple files.

    Specify file variable that contains the location of the attachments.

    Create a new variable of type List with subtype File, and add the filepath in the Default value field (optional). You can choose the file from the Desktop or Control Room.

  5. Optional: Select the Raise error if attachments are missing (desktop only) check box to verify that you have attached a file and the attached file exists.
    Option Result
    The Raise error if attachments are missing (desktop only) check box is selected If a file is not attached, the email is not sent and the bot encounters an error.
    The Raise error if attachments are missing (desktop only) check box is not selected The email is sent even if a file is not attached.
  6. Select the format that you want to use from the following options:
    Option Description
    Plain text Use regular text in your email body, without any formatting effects, such as: bold, italic, underline, or special layout options.
    HTML code Use HTML script in your email body to display your content using a consistent layout every time. You can also include interactive elements, such as links.
    HTML design editor Use to create and customize your email layout and body. You can use the editor toolbar to change your text, such as applying bold, italic, and other formatting effects, inserting links, and changing the text font and size of the text. You can copy the content from the design editor and paste it to other browser locations.
  7. Enter the content you want to send with the email in the Message field.

    The email will be appended to the message you specified.

  8. Optional: Select the Include Go Green message at the end of the email check box.

    The Go Green message appends the following text to the bottom of the email body: Please consider the environment before printing. Let's Go Green!.

  9. Select the Email server, EWS, or Outlook option from the Send email via list to specify whether to send the emails using Microsoft Outlook or a mail server.
    • If you selected the Outlook option, you do not need to provide any additional details.
    • If you selected the Email server option, enter information for the following fields:
      Note: For information about which host and port to use for the various mail servers, see Email server settings.
      • Optional: Select an option from the Encoding for email field to specify the encoding you want to use for email:
        • GB2312
        • Shift-JIS
        • UTF-8
        • UTF-16
      • Email server host: Enter the host you want to connect.
        Note: If you use the host, there is a limit of 30 messages sent per minute, and 10,000 recipients per day.
      • Email server port: Enter the port you want to use to establish the connection.
      • Use secure connection (SSL/TLS): Select this option to use a secure connection with the mail server.
      • Authentication mode: Select the authentication modes:
        • Basic
        • OAuth2 – Authorization code with PKCE
        • Control Room managed

          To use Control Room managed OAuth2 mode of authentication to automate Gmail, you must configure the OAuth connection in the Control Room. See Create OAuth connection.

          Update the information in the following fields:

          • Connection: Click the Pick button to select a connection type.
          • Select Custom in the Provider type field.
          • Select the connection name that you set up in the Control Room for Google Workspace apps.

          • Use the Token type field to select one of the following options:

            For information about the Google Workspace application access and refresh tokens, see Configure enterprise applications

            • Shared: Select this option when the OAuth2 access token is shared for all users running the automation.
              Note: This option requires the Control Room administrator or any user (with Manage connections and View connections options enabled for the OAUTH CONNECTIONS) to set up an OAuth connection in the Control Room. Save the login credentials one time to generate a shared access token that can be used by all users running the automation.
            • User-specific: Select this option when the OAuth2 access token is specific to each user running the automation.
              Note: This option requires the Control Room administrator or any user (with Manage connections and View connections options enabled for the OAUTH CONNECTIONS) to set up an OAuth connection in the Control Room. Ensure you do not save the login credentials so that each user running the automation can provide their login credentials and generate an access token that can only be used by that specific user.
            • Click Confirm.
          Note: When you use User-specific option, you must log in to your Google account to authenticate and generate a user-specific token. Perform the following steps to use this option:
          1. In the Control Room, navigate to your profile My settings > OAuth connections.
          2. Click Login to authenticate.
          3. Sign in to your Google account and select Continue.
          4. Verify the services you have access to and Click Continue.

            If the connection is succeeded, it will display the status as Active.

        Depending on the authentication mode that you select, you must specify the any applicable details in the following fields:
        • Username: Enter the username used to access the mail server.

          For example,

        • Password: Enter the password for the username you provided.
        • For Client ID, Tenant ID, Redirect URI, and Client secret fields, enter the information that is provided for your account on your Azure portal.
        • Email provider: Select your email service provider from the drop-down list.
          • Outlook/Office365

            If you select this option, then enter the Tenant ID.

          • Gmail
        For Username, Password, Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client secret fields, choose from the Credential, Variable, or Insecure string tab:
        • Credential: Use a value available in the credential Vault.
        • Variable: Use a user-defined variable that stores the values.
        • Insecure string: Manually enter a value.
    • If you have selected the EWS option, you do not need to provide any additional details.