Process Discovery

Process Discovery is a data-driven approach to analyze, monitor, and improve business processes by extracting insights and knowledge from the user interactions with various systems. It uncovers the actual flow of activities, decisions, and interactions that occur within an organization's processes.

Process Discovery drives organizational efficiency, cost reduction, and enhanced quality control. This approach fosters insights into process operations, pinpointing areas for enhancement like automation, workflow streamlining, and step elimination. Leveraged in process improvement, compliance, and risk management endeavors, Process Discovery proves invaluable.


The Process Discovery platform is used in combination with the Process Discovery Sensor and Privacy Enhanced Gateway (PEG) applications to streamline data capture, analysis, and process modeling.

Process Discovery Platform
The Process Discovery platform is used in combination with the Process Discovery Sensor and Privacy Enhanced Gateway (PEG) applications to streamline data capture, analysis, and process modeling. The Process Discovery interface enables users to perform the following tasks:
  • Capture, parse, and analyze user interactions with various systems.
  • Identify and map all relevant pathways (including variations) and automatically documents the most common workflow.
  • Compare the potential ROI from automating these processes and enables Business Analysts to accelerate automation and maximize RPA ROI.
  • Convert automation opportunities into bot prototypes using the Process Definition Document (PDD) for further development and deployment by the Automation Developer.
Process Discovery is part of the Automation 360 platform. To learn more, see Automation 360
Process Discovery Sensor application
The Process Discovery Sensor is installed on end-users' machines to capture data on user activities. This data is sent to Process Discovery for analysis to determine what business processes are candidates for automation.
Privacy Enhanced Gateway
The Privacy Enhanced Gateway (PEG) redacts sensitive data collected by the Process Discovery Sensor application, which prevents Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from being included in the data sent to Process Discovery for analysis.
Process Discovery Components

Companies often start automation projects by manually observing and documenting processes. This involves interviewing users, mapping workflows, and can be time-consuming and prone to inaccuracies. Process Discovery uses visualization tools to identify automation opportunities and compare processes across regions or teams.


The following diagram shows the Process Discovery workflow for Process Discovery Admin, IT Infrastructure Admin, and Business Analyst users:

Process Discovery Workflow Business Analyst Allen Set up users 1 Set up the Privacy Enhanced Gateway (PEG) 2 Install Process Discovery sensors 3 Configure PEG image redaction 4 Review and classify events 8 Analyze event data 9 Create mining runs 10 Analyze and prioritize processes 11 Create process documentation 12 Configure sensor activity 5 Verify event data 6 Create a cycle of event data 7 Process Discovery Admin Jake IT Admin Izzi Process Discovery workflow (Click the links to navigate to the sections.)
The Process Discovery helps Power/Discovery users find automation candidates by:
  • Capturing and analyzing user interactions with systems.
  • Documents common Workflows and provides visualizations (Flow and Path graphs)
  • Comparing the ROI for potential automation.