Administer notifications for Control Room

As an administrator, you can manage notifications for the Control Room by disabling various notification categories and channels.


Log into Control Room as an administrator.
You can manage notification settings for all the Control Room users and view the audit log information to track user activities.
Note: All the event categories are enabled by default.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Settings > Notification settings.
  2. To enable or disable the required event categories, click Edit.
  3. Optional: Manage the user notifications for specific event categories based on your requirements.
    Based on the notification that the administrator selects in the event categories, users will receive an alert in the Notifications panel in Automation 360. However, users can disable the notifications if the administrator has enabled Allow users to control notifications settings option. For more information on which event category to enable or disable, see Event categories.
    • When an administrator enables the event categories, those are applicable to all the Control Room users.
    • If the Control Room administrator disables one of the event categories, then individual users can view only the enabled event categories in the Control Room Notifications settings window.
    • If the Control Room administrator disables all the event categories, then individual users cannot view any of the event categories in the Control Room Notifications settings window.
  4. Use the Allow users to control notifications settings field to change the default setting:
    • Enable: Is the default setting that enables users to manage notification settings.
    • Disable: Select this option to restrict users from managing the notification settings.
  5. Click Save changes.
    Note: Notifications audit logs to track administrator activities are available at the Administration > Audit log page. For more information, see Audit log.

    When a Control Room administrator configures the notification settings, the audit log is generated with item name as Notification settings and event type as Admin event subscription. On clicking Notification settings, you can see the event details and event subscription details configured by a Control Room administrator. A single audit log is created for all the events that an administrator had subscribed, makes it more consistent and easy to read.