Automation 360 offers a variety of variables, each designed to hold specific types of data and is intended for specific use. Use the topics below to learn more about each variable and how to use them.

Using variables

The following table describes how Automation 360 passes variable values between a parent and child bot when using different data types:
Data type Behavior
Number, String, Boolean, DateTime, Credential, and Datatable (Assign,Join, and Merge) You create a parent and a child bot using the following data types (Number, String, Boolean, DateTime and Credentials) and run the TaskBot. When the parent bot passes a variable to the child bot through input variables, and if you change the values of those variables in the child bot, the changes are not saved when execution returns to the parent bot. When you use these data types, the variable's actual value is passed, and any changes made to these variables in the child bot are not reflected in the parent bot.
List, Dictionary, File, Table, Window, Record, Session, Form, and Datatable (Insert or Delete row or column, Sort and Set value of a single cell) You create a parent and child bot using the following data types (List, Dictionary, File, Table, Window, Record, Session and Form) and run the TaskBot. When the parent bot passes a variable to the child bot through input variables, and if you change the values of those variables in the child bot, the changes are saved when execution returns to the parent bot. When you use these data types, the values are passed by reference, and any changes made to these variables in the child bot are reflected in the parent bot.
Example: You created a parent and child bot using the following variables:
  • VarList: Employee data (First name, last name, Date of birth)
  • VarString: Employment type (Permanent)
  • VarNumber: 100
You used the same variables in the child bot with the Use as input check box selected.
In the child bot, you updated the following values:
  • Added a new detail in the VarList variable as Employee data (Date of Joining)

  • Changed the value of the VarString variable to Employment type (Contract)
  • Changed the value of the VarNumber variable to 50
When the parent bot calls the child bot, and the execution returns to the parent bot, the List variable will show the updated values, whereas the String and Number variable values will not change:
  • VarList: Employee data (First name, Last name, Date of birth, Date of joining)
  • VarString: Employment type (Permanent)
  • VarNumber: 100
Credentials and credential variables in the Bot editor
Use credentials when building bots to pass sensitive information such as passwords and account numbers. Using credentials separates the sensitive information from the bots and Bot Runners, which reduces the risk of data spillage or unauthorized user access.
Predefined variables
Predefined (or system) variables return the specific values about the machine on which the bot is executed. Users cannot edit the values of a predefined variable.
Your variables (user-defined)
Users and some actions create user-defined variables to temporarily hold values. Use this kind of variable to input values into an action (window title, login credential, or file path) or to accept the output of an action (values read from a file or a Boolean return).
Create a variable
Global values
Global values enable users to reuse identical values between bots instead of creating new variables for each bot.
Work Item variables
You can use the Work Item variables to pass the Work Item attributes or values to the Task Bot from the Control Room when you run the bot with the option Run bot with queue.