Manually update the Bot Agent

Update the Bot Agent to an available version manually. The Bot Agent version available for download is the latest and compatible with the Control Room version that is used.


  • To install the Bot Agent, the Windows installer policy must be enabled for the user device.
  • The read, write, and execute permissions must be enabled for the Bot Agent folders on the user device.

Some of the Bot Agent version updates are optional and does not affect your existing bots. For more information, see Bot Agent compatibility.


  • Update the Bot Agent on connected host devices
    1. Use your Automation Anywhere URL to log in to the Control Room as an administrator or a user with administrator privileges.
    2. Click Manage > Devices.
      On the Devices page, the device status indicates if the Bot Agent requires an update. The arrow color on the device icon indicates the status:
      • Red: Update required
      • Blue: Update available but not required
      • Green: Most recent version; no update required
    3. Select the device where you want to update the Bot Agent and click the Update checked items icon (update checked items icon).
      The Status of the device changes while the update is in progress. After the update is complete, the Status changes to Connected.
      Note: If you have multiple devices, ensure that you select only the devices with the Status as Connected, and click the Update checked items icon to update the Bot Agent. However, if all the listed devices are connected to the Control Room, you can select the Check all check box and click the Update checked items icon.
    Video: See the following video on updating the Bot Agent on connected host device:

  • Update the Bot Agent on a locally connected device or a remote device using the local device option
    You can update the Bot Agent on a locally connected device or a remote device without manually downloading and installing the Bot Agent.
    1. On the home screen, at the bottom-left corner, click the Local device icon (local device icon).
    2. In the Bot running device window, click Update now.
      The Status for the devices changes to indicate the progress of the update. After the update is complete, the Status changes to Connected.
    Video: See the following video on how to update the Bot Agent on a locally connected device:

    Video: See the following video on how to update the Bot Agent on a remote device using the local device option:

  • Update Bot Agent on the locally connected device using the connect local device option
    You can update the Bot Agent on your locally connected device by manually downloading and installing the Bot Agent.
    1. From the Devices page, click the Connect local device icon (connect local device icon) at the top-right corner of the devices table.
    2. Click Connect to my computer.
    3. Click the Manually download the latest version link.
    4. After the AutomationAnywhereBotAgent.exe is downloaded, install the Bot Agent and follow the instructions on the installation wizard to complete the installation.
    5. After the Bot Agent installation is complete, go back to Automation 360 Control Room and click Next.
    6. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the update.
    Video: See the following video on how to update the Bot Agent on the locally connected device using the connect local device option:

The following message is displayed: Connected to your computer. Your local bot agent has been successfully installed configured.

If you see the following message displayed: Device is disconnected or needs upgrade!, see Error: Device is disconnected or needs upgrade (A-People login required)

Next steps

Verify the Bot Agent version and device connection in the Devices page of the Control Room.