Manage packages in the Control Room by setting a package as default, disabling it, or deleting it.


Ensure that you are logged in to the Control Room as the administrator.

To manage packages in the Control Room, users must have Manage package permission.

Package management actions apply to all users; however, the user can select specific package versions within a bot.


  1. Navigate to Manage > Packages.
  2. Hover over the Actions icon for the package.
  3. Click View.
  4. Choose any of the following options:
    Set as default Select a package and set is as the default. As soon as a package is set to default, it is the package that all Bot Creators in the Control Room use.
    Note: By default, new versions of packages become the default version and will only be used the first time that package is used in editing a bot. If a bot already uses the package, it continues to use an earlier version.
    Disable Disable a package so that users cannot use it to create new bots. Bots that were created using a disabled package will not continue to work. This means that if a package version used in a bot is later disabled, the bot will not work.
    Delete Deleting a package removes the actions contained in the package from the Control Room for all users.
    You can delete a package version if:
    • A Control Room user with Manage package permission added the package version. However, you cannot delete any package versions that were automatically installed by the system, or through a Control Room new installation or upgrade; you can only disable them.
    • The package version is not in Default status.
    • The package has only one version, but its status is Default.
    Important: A package cannot be deleted if it is being used by a bot.
    Note: A package version can be deleted even if it is being used in a bot and was uploaded using the Add Packages to the Control Room feature in an on-premises environment. However, a package version that was installed by the system can only be deleted if it is not being used in any bot.