Add packages to the Control Room

Administrators can add packages to the Control Room for use by Bot Creators.


Ensure that you are logged in to the Control Room as the administrator.

  • You can manually add a package to the Control Room from resources such as the Bot Store, or from the A-People site when these are available as periodic package updates.

    For information about periodic package updates, see Package updates overview.

  • Packages are Java Archive (.jar) files that contain actions that you can use to create bots.


To add a package manually from a site or URL, follow these steps:

  1. Download the .jar file:
    • For updated packages made available periodically, go to A-People and download the file from this location: Automation 360 package releases (A-People login required).
    • To download an individual package (updated in an Automation 360 release where you want only the package), use this URL:<package-file-name>-<version.number>.jar

      For example, if you want to download Browser package 3.10.2, then use this URL:

  2. Log in to the Control Room as an administrator.
  3. Navigate to Manage > Packages.
  4. Click Add package.
  5. Click Browse.
  6. Locate and select the package to add to the Control Room.
  7. Click Upload package.
  8. On the Packages > Confirm package page, choose any of the following options:
    • Accept, enable and set as default: Uploads and enables the selected package, and sets it to the default package for the Control Room.
    • Accept and enable: Uploads and enables the package, but the package is not set as the default package. Bot Creators have to specifically select non-default packages to use them for creating bots.
    • Accept but disable: Uploads and disables the new package.
    Choosing Reject stops the upload process.
  9. After installation, click Administration > Packages to verify that the package is added.
    When you add or update a package in the Control Room, a notification is also sent through the Notifications icon. This notification is sent to the Control Room users who have the View package permission. For more information, see Capabilities supporting notifications.
    Note: API Task supported packages cannot be uploaded to the Control Room unless they are signed by Automation Anywhere. This includes all custom packages that support API Tasks. For more information on API Task supported packages, see Packages supported in API Tasks.