Create your first bot
- Updated: 2024/09/19
Create your first bot
Perform the following steps to create your first bot that prints the message, Go be great!, the Automation Anywhere version of Hello World!
This task is performed by the user who wants to build and deploy bots. You must have the necessary rights and permissions to complete this task, and authorization to log in to the Control Room as the licensed user.
- You must have the Bot Creator license to create bots in the Control Room.
- You must have the following permissions:
- Check in
- View packages
- Create folders
Bot naming conventions: Keep the following considerations in mind when creating and naming bots:
When creating a bot, ensure that
your bot name does not include the following special characters:
Slash (/) Asterisk (*) Comma (,) Backslash (\) Less than sign (<) Left or right braces ({}) Question mark (?) Greater than sign (>) Left or right brackets ([]) Pipe (|) Double quotation marks (") Plus sign (+) Percent sign (%) -- -- - The bot name must be unique. If a bot with the same name exists in the same folder location to which you have access in the public workspace, you cannot create or rename the bot with this name in the private workspace.
- Do not use bot names that are reserved for the Windows operating
system. The reserved bot names are as follows:
CON PRN AUX NUL COM1 COM2 COM3 COM4 COM5 COM6 COM7 COM8 COM9 LPT1 LPT2 LPT3 LPT4 LPT5 LPT6 LPT7 LPT8 LPT9 -- -- -- - Ensure that a bot name does not end with a period (.) or space.
- For more information about file naming, see Microsoft guidelines.
When creating a bot, ensure that
your bot name does not include the following special characters:
Note: These steps describe the guided workflow for first time
users. The guided workflow is only displayed the very first time you complete these