Specify the amount of time the system must wait before terminating a bot that is unresponsive or is taking more time than expected to complete the task.

When a task times out, any downstream tasks (tasks in a queue) can run without any issues.

Timeout for a task is not applicable in the following scenarios:

  • When a task is manually paused.
  • If the task is run in Debug mode.
  • If the task is called through the Run action of the Task Bot package.
  • When the first task in a process is paused, additional tasks are canceled and the first task is resumed.
  • Timeout is not supported for WLM bots.


  1. Log in to the Control Room.
  2. On the left pane, click Automation.
    A list of available bots and forms is displayed.
  3. Open the bot for which you want to set timeout.
  4. Select Advanced settings from the actions menu (three vertical ellipsis) on the top-right.
  5. In the Time out field, specify the amount of time you want the system to wait before canceling a bot.
    By default, the value in the Time out field is set to zero (0) and the system waits till the bot completes execution.
  6. Return to the Bot editor and save the changes to the bot.