Review what's new and changed, and the fixes and limitations in Automation Co-Pilot for the v.32 release.

What's new

Leverage local execution of Bot Tasks in Process Composer for Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users to retain sensitive financial or personal data within your On-Premises environment. As a Bot Creator, you can now select how bots within the processes you develop are executed; locally on the request creator's desktop or on a remote desktop. You can execute a Bot Task:
  • Remotely
  • Locally through a main window
  • Locally through a child window - With the ability to execute automations in child windows, users can work in parallel without disruption, while process orchestration is seamlessly handled within Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users.

Once the local Bot Task has been deployed, a progress bar displays showing the bot progress details and status in real time.

Add Bot Task to a process automation

Based on your permission, you can now view alerts and notifications from Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users through your desktop. To access the alerts, click the New notifications display with the (new-notification) icon.

Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant automation activities

View unassigned document validation tasks in Automation Co-Pilot

Automation Co-Pilot now supports unassigned validation tasks to help the users perform their tasks seamlessly. Document validators and business users can launch automations in low to medium-volume scenarios. They can use Automation Co-Pilot to run automations, address assigned tasks, pick up unassigned document exceptions from the queue, and clear them immediately.

What's changed

For users who integrate and authenticate Microsoft Teams with Automation Co-Pilot, the following items have changed:
  • The URL end point used to integrate the Microsoft Teams App with Automation Co-Pilot has changed. The previous Microsoft Teams App end point was: /aari/#/embedded path; whereas the new Microsoft Teams App end point to use is: http(s)://CR_URL/copilot end point.
  • When users access the Microsoft Teams App, the Auto Log In dialog no longer pops up for authentication. Instead, a new Log in dialog displays asking you to click Log in to log in to your Automation Co-Pilot and to disable any pop-up blockers if any have been enabled.
When using the Dropdown Multi-Select element to add a dropdown menu in your form, if a Set Focus action is triggered from rules on any condition, then after executing that condition you must press the space bar to execute the Set Focus action on the Dropdown Multi-Select element.
Enhanced task sequence view for improved process tracking

When you create a request or respond to a task in Automation Co-Pilot, you are now directed to the task sequence view. In the task sequence view, you can track the execution of individual steps and monitor the progress of your process.


The input values mapping is now maintained when a form, bot, or API Task is selected again in a corresponding task in Process Composer.

Service Cloud case ID: 02095420

Fix for an issue where you could not create an Automation Co-Pilot request after updating to v.31 release for On-Premises deployments.

Service Cloud case ID: 02120024, 02124487, 02127955, 02143415

Fix for an issue where the process ID was assigned incorrectly to a process when multiple processes were opened simultaneously in Automation Co-Pilot.
Fix for an issue where the log in experience was inconsistent for Automation Co-Pilot users.
Fix for an issue where a pop-up blocker alert message was shown incorrectly on the Task Sequence page in Automation Co-Pilot.
Fix for an issue where the date on the Automation Co-Pilot for the web interface was displayed incorrectly when users were submitting the form in different time zones.

Service Cloud case ID: 02115140

When you use the date element in Automation Co-Pilot form, you now have the flexibility to choose how the date is displayed in the form. You can either display the date as it is entered into the date element or adjust the display of the date based on the time zone of the user viewing the form.

Previously, the date was always converted and displayed based on the time zone of the user viewing the form.

Service Cloud case ID: 02115140

A blank page no longer appears after you perform the following actions:
  1. Select Japanese (or any non-English language) as the Control Room user interface (UI) language.
  2. Create a new form.
  3. Set more than one IF condition in the Form rules tab.
  4. Click the Properties tab.
  5. Navigate back to the Form rules tab.

Service Cloud case ID: 02092560

The clear error and clear warnings with regards to rules for Forms have been fixed and now work properly for the Dropdown Multi-Select element.

Service Cloud case ID: 02093856

The variable format no longer displays two $ at the beginning of a variable name after you add a filter output variable and indicate the required row and column of a Task: Form.

Service Cloud case ID: 02095585

You can now open and edit a form that you previously created in an earlier Automation 360 release (for example, using an Automation 360 v.28 form in an Automation 360 v.30 release) without incurring any page breaks in the form.

Service Cloud case ID: 02088680, 02092305

The Save button on the Widget editor has been fixed and now works properly when the Filter name contains either a double-byte character or Japanese character.

Service Cloud case ID: 02005234

Text that was entered as two separate lines in the TextArea element of a table now displays correctly. Previously, the text displayed as a single line.

Service Cloud case ID: 02002836

The ability to view a PDF document [which contains uppercase letters as its file extension (.PDF)] in the document viewer has been fixed. When a process is run, the PDF documents display properly in the document viewer.

Service Cloud case ID: 02095003

When you create a form with a label element and set the text alignment to center or right, the text is now properly aligned based on your selection after you run a process with the attached form. Previously, the text displayed with a left alignment regardless if you set the text alignment to center or right.
Sorting by user group is not supported in the Requests tab.
After deleting one of the elements in a process which contains nested IF/Else logic, the End point element no longer changes from Completed to Go to.

Service Cloud case ID: 02002808

When used in a process, data for hiddenVariables are available when uploading a file onto a form.
The synchronization issue between Automation Co-Pilot status and the back-end progress is now reduced in frequency. A refresh button is provided to help re-load the Automation Co-Pilot page to display the accurate process status.

Previously, there were frequent synchronization issues between the Automation Co-Pilot status and the back-end progress, and the process status was not accurately displayed.

You can now run Automation Co-Pilot through an embedded widget or Google Chrome without disabling third-party storage partitioning.

Previously, the third-party storage partitioning had to be disabled in Google Chrome settings for the widget to function properly.

Service Cloud case ID: 02088676, 02089559


For On-Premises deployments, the HBC service is not responding in some Automation Co-Pilot cluster nodes.

Workaround: For any node of the cluster where the HBC service is down, restart the service.

When a user with the Bot Creator or Citizen Developer license or AAE_Robotic Interface Admin role logs in to Automation Co-Pilot and then accesses the Automations list page, this improper message currently displays: Error occurred while performing requested operation.

Suggested action: Ensure that the appropriate license and roles are assigned. User should have the Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users license with either the AAE_Robotic Interface User or AAE_Robotic Interface Manager role assigned, and then to try to access Automation Co-Pilot again.

Automation Co-Pilot business users are logged out intermittently when idle session timeout is set to a longer period and when Automation Co-Pilot is used in multiple tabs for several hours.

Workaround: Log out and log in to Automation Co-Pilot before half the duration of the idle session timeout configured in the Control Room has expired. For example, if the idle session timeout is set to 12 hours, log out and log in before 6 hours.

When you embed Automation Co-Pilot in the new Microsoft Teams application, you will experience rendering issues. The login window does not close, causing the session to continue in the same window.

Workaround: Refresh the Automation Co-Pilot widget or close the pop up manually to use the widget.