Call a JavaScript function action

The Call a JavaScript function action in the Browser package enables you to call an existing JavaScript function directly in a webpage or in an iFrame within a webpage. This action also allows you to call a JavaScript function in desktop Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) applications.

Configure the settings

  • This action supports Google Chrome and Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browsers.
  • This action supports CEF-based desktop applications.
  1. Select the browser tab from the list of active supported browser tabs or insert a window variable. To call a JavaScript function in CEF applications, use the Application tab. From the Application tab, select the specific CEF application from the list of applications. A CEF application integrates web browser functionality by embedding Chromium into a desktop application.
    • To automate desktop applications that use CEF framework, you must develop and run your automations in elevated mode. See Automate applications running as an admin user.
    • To automate CEF applications, ensure you use the Browser package version 3.13.1 and later.
    • Automating cross domain iFrame in CEF applications is not supported.
    • CEF applications will not be listed under the Browser tab.

    You can use a regular expression (regex) to identify a window title. Select the regular expression condition as either String or a Pattern and then enter the value. By default, the Window title field is case-sensitive.

    To identify a browser title, you can enable the Case sensitive option to match the letter case, or disable the option to identify a window title where the letter case does not match.
    Note: Ensure that the minimum Bot Agent version installed on your system is the version that was released with Automation 360 v.26. If you have a Bot Agent version released with Automation 360 v.25 or earlier, then by default, the window title will be identified only with matching letter case (case-sensitive).
    For example, to match all window title names beginning with a word followed by - Notepad, you can enter the String value as * -Notepad, or use Pattern value as ((\w)\s)*document-Notepad for only those window titles that match this pattern.
    • When you use a regular expression of type String with -title as the input value for a window title in any action, the bot might encounter a run time error. To prevent the run time error, ensure that when you add the string input as *-title, the application with the specific title is open. The asterisk (*) is just a character, not a wild card character.
    • When you use a regular expression of type Pattern with -title as the input value for a window title in any action, the bot might encounter a run time error because the input value *-title is incorrect.

      Ensure that you use valid regex patterns.

  2. Optional: Use the Capture object option to capture the iFrames.
    Note: You can use the Capture object feature to call and run an existing JavaScript function inside an iFrame.
  3. In the Function name field, specify the name of the existing JavaScript function that you want to call.
  4. Optional: In the Arguments section, click Add argument to add arguments that must be passed to call the JavaScript function.
    1. In the Argument details dialog box, select the Argument type required for the specific argument.
    2. In the value field, enter the corresponding value or variable of the selected type that you want to pass.
      Note: All string values in arguments are passed as is without any character being converted or escaped.
  5. Optional: In the Time out after field, enter the number of seconds the bot must wait for the browser action to complete.
    Note: Enter a timeout value of at least 9 seconds.
  6. In the Return Type field, select the type of value returned by the JavaScript function.
    Note: If the function does not return anything, in the Return Type field, select None.
  7. For any Return type except None, in the Save the outcome to a variable field, select a variable for selected Return type to hold the JavaScript function output.

Create variable

To create a variable for selected Return type, perform the following steps:
  1. Click the Create variable symbol next to the Save the outcome to a variable field.

    A Create variable dialog opens with default variable name for the type of variable selected.

  2. Optional: Specify the variable information in the Description field.
  3. Optional: Specify a value in the Default value field.
  4. Click Create & select to select the newly created variable.

Supported JavaScript types in Argument and Return type fields

The following JavaScript types are supported:

  • String, Number, and Boolean JavaScript types which correspond to the same variable types in bot variables.
  • Array JavaScript type which corresponds to the List variable type in bot variables.
  • Object JavaScript type which corresponds to the Dictionary variable type in bot variables.