Add debug logs of custom packages to bot_launcher.log file
- Updated: 2022/05/20
You can add logs using log4j. The dependency is already added in the package SDK sample build.gradle file. Review the logging info using file.
Example 1: Logger info - Get region value using
RadioTypeDemo class
- Review the code example where the logger is added in the code, open the file located at <your
@BotCommand @CommandPkg(label = "[[RadioTypeDemo.label]]", description = "[[RadioTypeDemo.description]]", icon = "sample.svg", name = "radioTypeDemo") public class RadioTypeDemo { private static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(RadioTypeDemo.class); @Execute public void getRegionValue(@Idx(index = "1", type = AttributeType.RADIO, options = { @Idx.Option(index = "1.1", pkg = @Pkg(label = "[[RadioTypeDemo.region.1.1.label]]", value = "us_east")), @Idx.Option(index = "1.2", pkg = @Pkg(label = "[[RadioTypeDemo.region.1.2.label]]", value = "us_west")), @Idx.Option(index = "1.3", pkg = @Pkg(label = "[[RadioTypeDemo.region.1.3.label]]", value = "us_central")) }) @Pkg(label = "[[RadioTypeDemo.region.label]]") @NotEmpty String region) {"Selected region is {}", region); }
- Build a simple bot from the Automation 360 Demo package and select a radio group: Radio Demo.
- Select an appropriate region, such as, US East.
- Save and run the bot.
- Access the folder where the logs were generated, the default log location:
If the logs get roll back from the Bot_Launcher.log file, then logs will create a folder based on the month when they were created, for example, 2021-May. Inside this folder, the logs will continue to generate.
- Open the Bot_Launcher.log file and review the log info for the RadioTypeDemo and selected region is us_east.
The following example accepts a user input or a variable and assigns it to clipboard.
@CommandPkg(label = "Copy to",icon="assigntoclipboard.svg" ,name = "assignToClipboard", description
= "Accepts user input or a variable and assigns it to Clipboard", node_label="{{value}}")
public class AssignToClipboard {
private static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(AssignToClipboard.class);
public static void assign(@Idx(index = "1", type = TEXT) @Pkg(label = "Value") @NotEmpty String
value) {
logger.trace("Assigning '{}' value to clipboard.", value);