Admin - Program

You can configure the general settings for the overall program.

In the Admin- Program tab, you can define the start and end date of your program, the weighted benefits at each stage, the target values to use while calculating overall score for your opportunities, the complexity of cost estimates, and so on.

Program Details

program details tab

The table below describes what can be defined in each option.

Option Details
Program Start and End Dates Displays the start and end dates for the program.
Currency Symbol Displays the currency symbol alongside savings values. This setting applies to all opportunities.
Primary Benefit Measure Displays the primary quantitative measure for the CoE Manager as either hours or currency. For example, if you select currency, the program dashboard tab displays forecasted savings on the top-left corner of the page. If you select hours, the program dashboard tab displays the forecasted hours saved.
Number Format Controls how large numbers are abbreviated. The options are full number, thousands, and millions.
Number Suffix Automatically assigned based on the number format selected, has a value of K for thousands and M for millions.
Formatted Decimal Places Specifies how many decimal places to display in numbers formatted with M or K based on the number format selection described above.
Assign Intake Submitter as Opp Owner Determines whether the system should create an account for the user submitting the opportunity. This is applicable for users who currently do not have an account with the CoE Manager. If set to Yes, the email address in the opportunity submission form is used to create the user account. Ensure the email domain is added to the trusted list within the CoE Manager.
Track Program Risks Specifies whether or not to show the risks tab at the program level.
Show Opp Activities As Specifies how opportunities activities are displayed on the activities tab. You can choose between a List and a Gantt-Chart.
Opp Target – Overall Score Calculation Choose whether you want to use amount or hours to calculate opportunity targets.
Opp Target – Amount and Hours Saved Specifies the target amount and hours saved for individual opportunities. For calculating the Overall Score for an opportunity, the percentage achievement toward these targets as well as the business alignment percentage is used.
CoE Manager Version Shows the current version of the CoE Manager instance for your enterprise.
Execution Tracking Units Set the execution tracked duration by choosing one of the following values from the drop-down:
  • Seconds
  • Minutes
  • Hours

Weighted Benefit per Stage

weighted benefit per stage

Determines the weightings to calculate the weighted benefits for opportunities at each stage in CoE Manager. The weighted benefit is calculated by multiplying the estimated value for each opportunity with the corresponding factor to reflect the confidence of the benefit being achieved. Typically, opportunities in the idea stage are weighted lightly and gain in weighted value as they progress toward deployment. The weighted value is used to estimate total program savings.

Advanced Views

You can set the visibility of the below-mentioned admin tabs:
  • Admin - Advanced
  • Admin - Users
  • Admin - Tech

Complexity Cost Estimates

Specifies the default implementation cost estimate to be assigned for an opportunity when either a low, medium, or high complexity assessment is specified for that opportunity. You can override the default cost estimate by typing a new value in the implementation cost field on the details tab for the opportunity.

Business Unit List and Opportunity Sources

Lists the business units and opportunity sources for the automation program. Use the Create Business Unit and Create Opportunity Source buttons at the top of the section tabs respectively to create the business unit and opportunity sources.

Set up organization hierarchy and link opportunities

Monthly Targets

Lists the program and business unit targets. You can enter the targets for the program as a whole and individual business units in this list.