For user devices, you can set the screen resolution of the Bot Runners for every bot deployment through the RDP in the Control Room.


This task is performed by the user who wants to build and deploy bots. You must have the necessary rights and permissions to complete this task, and authorization to log in to the Control Room as the licensed user.

The RDP session is created using the set screen resolution during bot deployment.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Settings > Devices.
  2. Edit the Resolution settings for a device session field.
  3. Set the resolution by either selecting a predefined value from the Screen resolution drop-down list or by selecting Custom and entering the values you want.
    Note that the screen resolution settings are applicable only when you use RDP-based deployments. For regular deployments, a Windows session is created using the existing resolution settings of the device. In this case, the screen resolution set in the Control Room is ignored.
    Note: When resolution dependent packages are used to build bots, any screen resolution difference between the Bot Creator and Bot Runner device will impact the bots during runtime. Therefore, ensure the resolution settings on devices match when you create and run bots. See Screen resolution dependent packages.
  4. Select one of the following options:
    • Enforce this screen resolution for existing device sessions

      To enforce the resolution settings at the device level.

      Note: Option to enforce the screen resolution at a device or Control Room level only works for new device sessions and not on existing device sessions.
    • Do not allow devices to override resolution settings

      To ensure that the resolution settings cannot be changed at the device level.

  5. Click Save.