In progress
- Updated: 2025/01/28
Get a real-time overview of ongoing opportunities, including their status, milestones, and key deliverables, all consolidated into a centralized view making it easier to track progress and manage resources.
The In progress page helps identify risks, dependencies, and bottlenecks, enabling proactive problem-solving and informed decision-making. It streamlines project tracking and keeps you focused on strategic objectives. The page displays key details such as opportunity name, business unit, status, forecasted savings (both in hours and cost), and total costs. You can filter opportunities by using the awaiting approval status (yes or no), business unit, or date range to focus on specific opportunities. Opportunities in this stage are awaiting progression to production. You can analyze their potential impact and prioritize advancing those with the highest automation potential.
Clicking the achievement cards above reveals the opportunities that are in the In Progress stage. It also shows the breakdown of opportunities by business unit, for opportunities in savings, awaiting approval, savings in approval, at risk, or off track. Selecting the number next to a business unit displays hyperlinks for each opportunity, allowing you to navigate directly into the opportunity pages. This simplifies tracking and management of opportunities across different business units.
In progress
This widget shows the number of opportunities in the In Progress stage, along with the total count in the CoE Manager instance for comparison. This tab includes active opportunities that are currently being worked on where resources are allocated, and teams are executing tasks. The page tracks the progress and ensures that activities are on track according to the timeline and scope.
The In-Progress stage shows the possible impact of each opportunity along with their related details. It provides a consolidated view of forecasted savings breaking them down by business units. By leveraging insights into cost and time efficiencies, this widget helps track the possible financial impact of opportunities and identify areas for improvement. It enables you to assess the possible tangible results of your efforts and ensure alignment with organizational goals.
Awaiting approval
The awaiting approval widget displays the number of opportunities awaiting approval and their associated business units. This widget helps identify the opportunities pending approvals, prioritize decision-making, and ensure that opportunities progress without any delays. It helps you streamline workflows by providing a clear view of approval bottlenecks.
Savings in approval
The savings in approval widget displays the savings of the opportunities that are currently awaiting approval. It shows the total savings pending approval, broken down by business units, allowing stakeholders to see where financial benefits are awaiting validation. It helps prioritize and expedite approval processes, ensuring that potential savings are recognized and acted upon promptly. By offering clear visibility into pending savings, it supports decision-making and progress tracking across ongoing opportunities.
At risk
The at-risk widget typically indicates opportunities facing potential challenges that could impact their successful completion. It provides details such as the number of at-risk opportunities and their associated business units. This status flags areas requiring immediate attention, including:
- Delays: The opportunity might be behind schedule or not meeting key milestones.
- Budget overruns: Costs are exceeding projections or allocated resources.
- Approval issues: The opportunity is paused in the approval process.
- Performance concerns: The expected benefits might not be fully realized.
This widget helps quickly identify issues, assess the severity of risks, and implement corrective actions to get initiatives back on track. Additionally, it helps mitigate potential setbacks and maintain alignment with organizational objectives.
Off track
The off-track widget identifies opportunities that are significantly behind their planned progress. This status typically applies to projects that are failing to meet critical milestones, facing delays, or showing underperformance in key metrics. It serves as an alert mechanism, helping users quickly recognize where additional intervention or resource reallocation might be necessary. The widget breaks down these opportunities by business units, offering a consolidated view to aid in troubleshooting and realignment. This ensures that risks are mitigated promptly, and organizational objectives remain achievable.
The Implementations In Progress table provides a detailed, tabular view of all opportunities in the In Progress stage. It includes key information such as the opportunity name, associated business unit, status with a status message, savings in terms of hours, forecasted savings, total costs, benefits realized to date, percentage of activities completed, as well as the implementation and last updated dates.