IQ Bot permissions

Enable users to view IQ Bot permissions, create and manage learning instances, import and export domains, and manage IQ Bot configuration settings and migration.

IQ Bot permissions

Action Resource Type Description
viewiqbot iqbot Allows you to view the default dashboards in the IQ Bot portal.
Note: You must assign this permission before assigning any of the permissions below.
view iqbotpages Allows to view the iqbot pages licensed
utilize iqbotpages Allows to utilize the iqbot pages licensed

Learning instance permissions

Domains permissions

Administration permissions

Action Resource Type Description


Allows you to access the Administration tab in the IQ Bot portal.
Note: You must assign this permission before assigning any other administration permissions.
viewandmanagesettings viewadministration Allows you to manage the IQ Bot portal advanced configuration settings.
viewandmanagemigration viewadministration Allows you to access the migration utility to import and export learning instances in the IQ Bot portal.