Automatically register and connect your device to a Control Room by using the Auto registration API.

This API uses the generic Control Room registration token from the file to register the device in the specified Control Room URL. You cannot autoregister the device if the Control Room URL is not available in the file. The file must be available on your local system, and you must not delete the file after the registration is complete.

Note: To register the device from the command line or API, you must set the AA_DELAY_REGISTRATION_UNTIL_LOGIN MSI parameter. You can enable this parameter in the Bot Agent MSI file or in the file. For more information, see Bulk installing Bot Agent. You can also view a sample file in the bulk install topic.


Request body:
    "url": "https://{controlroom url}",
    "userName": "dpcreator"

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
url String Yes

Specify the Control Room URL to autoregister the device.

userName String No

Specify the Control Room user to associate the device as the default device.


  "result": "REGISTERED",
  "deviceId": "11",
  "crUrl": "control_room_url",
  "userName": "dpcreator"
  "installationType": "SYSTEM_WIDE",
  "crSwitchAllowed": "false",

Response parameters

Parameter Type Description
result String Status of the device registration.
deviceId Number Unique ID of the device the Bot Agent is installed on.
crUrl String

The Control Room URL where the device is autoregistered.

userName String

The username for which the device is associated as default device.

installationType String The type of installation that is performed.
crSwitchAllowed String Indicates whether the device can be registered on a different Control Room.
The REST API responds to each request with an HTTP response code. For response codes, see API response codes.