You must add the files that are required to run a bot as its dependencies.


Ensure that the files you want to add as dependencies are uploaded in the Control Room, except for bots.

The system identifies the automatic dependencies for a bot and adds the required files and other bots as its dependencies. However, for manual dependencies, you must identify the files and bots that are required and add them as dependencies for a bot.


  1. On the left pane, click Automation.
    A list of available bots and forms is displayed.
  2. In the PRIVATE tab, expand the Bots folder that contains the bot for which you want to add dependencies.
  3. Select the bot for which you want to add dependencies.
  4. Select the Edit Task Bot icon from the actions menu (vertical ellipsis) on the right.
  5. Select Dependencies from the actions menu (vertical ellipsis) on the top-right.
  6. Expand the Bots folder and select the folder that contains the files you want to add as dependencies.
  7. Select the files you want to add as dependencies from the Available files section and click the right arrow.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Return to editor if you want to update the bot or click Close to close the bot.